Module ocean_science_utilities.wavespectra.estimators.mem2

Implementation of the "MEM2" method:

see Kim1995:

Kim, T., Lin, L. H., & Wang, H. (1995). Application of maximum entropy method
to the real sea data. In Coastal Engineering 1994 (pp. 340-355).

link: <>
(working as of May 29, 2022)

and references therein.

Expand source code
Implementation of the "MEM2" method:

see Kim1995:

    Kim, T., Lin, L. H., & Wang, H. (1995). Application of maximum entropy method
    to the real sea data. In Coastal Engineering 1994 (pp. 340-355).

    (working as of May 29, 2022)

and references therein.

import numpy as np
import numba  # type: ignore
import scipy  # type: ignore

from numba_progress import ProgressBar  # type: ignore

from ocean_science_utilities.wavespectra.estimators.mem import numba_mem
from ocean_science_utilities.wavespectra.estimators.utils import get_direction_increment

# Settings for numba JIT compilation- whether to use fast math and parallel
# optimizations when possible.

# Numerical settings used in solving for the mem2 distribution
    # absolute tolerence stopping criterium. let moment = [ a1,b1,a2,b2] and let
    # iterate_moment contain the moments calculated from the current estmitated
    # distribution.
    # The stopping criterium is:
    #     np.linalg.norm( moment-iterate_moment ) < atol
    "atol": 0.01,
    # Maximum number of iterations
    "max_iter": 100,
    # Maximum number of subiterations in the line search algorithm. Typically deep line
    # search activates only when the convergence is poor anyway.
    "max_line_search_depth": 8,
    # If we fall back to least squares estimate of the newton update we have an
    # ill-conditioned system, and solve the system approximately removing the
    # smallest singular values. rcond it the ration of smallest divided by largest
    # singular value.
    "rcond": 1e-6,
    # Convergence is mostly (based on limited testing) poor for narrow distributions
    # (large lagrange multipliers). If
    # we fail to converge we fall back to the mem estimate which has no such issues.
    # For narrow distributions this is
    # hopefully fine.
    "use_mem_when_failing_to_converge": True,

# Entry Function
# =============================================================================

def mem2(
    directions_radians: np.ndarray,
    a1: np.ndarray,
    b1: np.ndarray,
    a2: np.ndarray,
    b2: np.ndarray,
    progress_bar: ProgressBar = None,
) -> np.ndarray:

    :param directions_radians:
    :param a1:
    :param b1:
    :param a2:
    :param b2:
    :param solution_method:

    if solver_config is None:
        solver_config = NUMERICS

        solver_config = NUMERICS | solver_config

    if solution_method == "scipy":
        func = mem2_scipy_root_finder
        kwargs = {}

    elif solution_method == "newton":
        func = mem2_newton
        numba_solver_config = numba.typed.Dict.empty(
            key_type=numba.core.types.unicode_type, value_type=numba.core.types.float64
        for key in solver_config:
            numba_solver_config[key] = solver_config[key]

        kwargs = {"config": numba_solver_config}

    elif solution_method == "approximate":
        func = mem2_newton
        kwargs = {"approximate": True}

        raise ValueError("Unknown method")

    return func(directions_radians, a1, b1, a2, b2, progress_bar, **kwargs)

# Scipy Implementation
# =============================================================================
def mem2_scipy_root_finder(
    directions_radians: np.ndarray,
    a1: np.ndarray,
    b1: np.ndarray,
    a2: np.ndarray,
    b2: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Return the directional distribution that maximizes Shannon [ - D log(D) ]
    enthrophy constrained by given observed directional moments,

    :param directions_radians: 1d array of wave directions in radians,

    :param a1: 1d array of cosine directional moment as function of frequency,
    length [number_of_frequencies]

    :param b1: 1d array of sine directional moment as function of frequency,
    length [number_of_frequencies]

    :param a2: 1d array of double angle cosine directional moment as function
    of frequency, length [number_of_frequencies]

    :param b2: 1d array of double angle sine directional moment as function of
    frequency, length [number_of_frequencies]

    :return: array with shape [number_of_frequencies,number_of_direction]
    representing the directional distribution of the waves at each frequency.

    Maximize the enthrophy of the solution with entrophy defined as:

           integrate - D * log(D) over directions

    such that the resulting distribution D reproduces the observed moments.


    number_of_frequencies = a1.shape[-1]
    number_of_points = a1.shape[0]

    directional_distribution = np.zeros(
        (number_of_points, number_of_frequencies, len(directions_radians))

    direction_increment = get_direction_increment(directions_radians)

    twiddle_factors = np.empty((4, len(directions_radians)))
    twiddle_factors[0, :] = np.cos(directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[1, :] = np.sin(directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[2, :] = np.cos(2 * directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[3, :] = np.sin(2 * directions_radians)

    guess = initial_value(a1, b1, a2, b2)
    for ipoint in range(0, number_of_points):
        for ifreq in range(0, number_of_frequencies):
            moments = np.array(
                    a1[ipoint, ifreq],
                    b1[ipoint, ifreq],
                    a2[ipoint, ifreq],
                    b2[ipoint, ifreq],

            if np.any(np.isnan(guess[ipoint, ifreq, :])):

            res = scipy.optimize.root(
                guess[ipoint, ifreq, :],
                args=(twiddle_factors, moments, direction_increment),
            lambas = res.x

            directional_distribution[ipoint, ifreq, :] = mem2_directional_distribution(
                lambas, direction_increment, twiddle_factors

    return directional_distribution

# Numba Implementation
# =============================================================================

# spatial iteration
# ---------------------

# To note; enabling caching seems to not play nice with paralel
@numba.njit(parallel=_PARALLEL, cache=(not _PARALLEL))
def mem2_newton(
    directions_radians: np.ndarray,
    a1: np.ndarray,
    b1: np.ndarray,
    a2: np.ndarray,
    b2: np.ndarray,
    progress_bar: ProgressBar = None,
    config: numba.typed.Dict = None,
    approximate: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Return the directional distribution that maximizes Shannon [ - D log(D) ]
    enthrophy constrained by given observed directional moments.

    :param directions_radians: 1d array of wave directions in radians,

    :param a1: 1d array of cosine directional moment as function of
        position and frequency,
        shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

    :param b1: 1d array of sine directional moment as function of
        position and frequency,
        shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

    :param a2: 1d array of double angle cosine directional moment as function of
        position and frequency,
        shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

    :param b2: 1d array of double angle sine directional moment as function of
        position and frequency,
        shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

    :param progress_bar: Progress bar instance if updates are desired.

    :return: array with shape [
    representing the directional distribution of the waves at each frequency.

    Maximize the enthrophy of the solution with entrophy defined as:

           integrate - D * log(D) over directions

    such that the resulting distribution D reproduces the observed moments.


    number_of_frequencies = a1.shape[-1]
    number_of_points = a1.shape[0]

    directional_distribution = np.zeros(
        (number_of_points, number_of_frequencies, len(directions_radians))

    direction_increment_downward_difference = (
        directions_radians - np.roll(directions_radians, 1) + np.pi
    ) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi

    direction_increment_upward_difference = (
        -(directions_radians - np.roll(directions_radians, -1) + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi)
        - np.pi

    direction_increment = (
        direction_increment_downward_difference + direction_increment_upward_difference
    ) / 2

    # Calculate the needed Fourier transform twiddle factors to calculate moments.
    twiddle_factors = np.empty((4, len(directions_radians)))
    twiddle_factors[0, :] = np.cos(directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[1, :] = np.sin(directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[2, :] = np.cos(2 * directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[3, :] = np.sin(2 * directions_radians)

    guess = initial_value(a1, b1, a2, b2)
    for ipoint in numba.prange(0, number_of_points):
        if progress_bar is not None:

        # Note; entries to directional_distribution[ipoint, :, :] is modified in the
        # call below. This avoids creation of memory for the resulting array at the
        # expense of allowing for side-effects.
            directional_distribution[ipoint, :, :],
            a1[ipoint, :],
            b1[ipoint, :],
            a2[ipoint, :],
            b2[ipoint, :],
            guess[ipoint, :, :],

    return directional_distribution

# frequency iteration
# ----------------------

def _mem2_newton_point(

    :param out: a (view) of the array that will containt the output
    :param a1: 1d array of cosine directional moment as function of frequency,
    :param b1: 1d array of sine directional moment as function of frequency,
    :param a2: 1d array of double angle cosine directional moment
        as function of frequency,
    :param b2: 1d array of double angle sine directional moment
        as function of frequency,
    :param guess: initial guess of the lagrange multipliers
    :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array
    :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2*theta, cos 2*theta]
        as a 4 by ndir array
    :param config: numerical settings, see description at NUMERICS at top of file.
    :param approximate: whether or not to use the approximate relations.
    :return: None - we use side-effects to pass the results back to the
        caller (modifying out)
    number_of_frequencies = a1.shape[0]
    for ifreq in range(0, number_of_frequencies):
        moments = np.array([a1[ifreq], b1[ifreq], a2[ifreq], b2[ifreq]])
        out[ifreq, :] = mem2_newton_solver(
            guess[ifreq, :],

# mem2 numerical solver
# ----------------------

def mem2_newton_solver(
    moments: np.ndarray,
    guess: np.ndarray,
    direction_increment: np.ndarray,
    twiddle_factors: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Newton iteration to find the solution to the non-linear system of constraint
    equations defining the lagrange multipliers in the MEM2 method. Because the
    Lagrange multipliers enter the equations as exponents the system can
    be unstable to solve numerically.

    :param moments: the normalized directional moments [a1,b1,a2,b2]
    :param guess: first guess for the lagrange multipliers (ndarray, length 4)
    :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array
    :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2*theta, cos 2*theta] as a
        4 by ndir array
    :param config: numerical settings, see description at NUMERICS at top of file.
    :param approximate: whether or not to use the approximate relations.
    if config is None:
        max_iter = 100
        rcond = 1e-6
        atol = 0.01
        max_line_search_depth = 8
        use_mem_when_failing_to_converge = True

        max_iter = config["max_iter"]
        rcond = config["rcond"]
        atol = config["atol"]
        max_line_search_depth = config["max_line_search_depth"]
        use_mem_when_failing_to_converge = (
            config["use_mem_when_failing_to_converge"] > 0.0

    directional_distribution = np.empty(len(direction_increment))
    if np.any(np.isnan(guess)):
        directional_distribution[:] = 0
        return directional_distribution

    if approximate:
        directional_distribution[:] = mem2_directional_distribution(
            guess, direction_increment, twiddle_factors
        return directional_distribution

    current_iterate = guess
    current_func = moment_constraints(

    jacobian = np.empty((4, 4))

    convergence = False
    for iter in range(0, max_iter):
        # Stopping criterium
        magnitude_cur_func_eval = np.linalg.norm(current_func)
        if magnitude_cur_func_eval < atol:
            convergence = True

        # Compute jacobian, and find newton iterate innovation as we solve for:
        #       jacobian @ delta = - current_iterate_func_eval
        # with:
        #       delta = next_lagrange_multiplier_iterate-cur_lagrange_multiplier_iterate

        jacobian = mem2_jacobian(
            current_iterate, twiddle_factors, direction_increment, jacobian
            update_iterate = solve_cholesky(jacobian, -current_func)
        except Exception:
            update_iterate = np.linalg.lstsq(jacobian, -current_func, rcond=rcond)[0]

        magnitude_current_iterate = np.linalg.norm(current_iterate)
        magnitude_update = np.linalg.norm(update_iterate)

        # Do a line search for the optimum decrease. This is intended to stabilize the
        # algorithm as the equations are ill-posed.
        line_search_factor = 1
        for ii in range(max_line_search_depth):
            next_iterate = current_iterate + line_search_factor * update_iterate
            next_func = moment_constraints(
                next_iterate, twiddle_factors, moments, direction_increment

            if np.linalg.norm(next_func) < magnitude_cur_func_eval:
                # If we are decreasing- continue
                current_func = next_func
                current_iterate = next_iterate
                # The update may be too big as we are not decreasing the cost function
                # magnitude. We will decrease the step size we take - but keep the
                # direction of the step the same.
                inverse_relative_update = magnitude_current_iterate / magnitude_update
                line_search_factor = min(
                    inverse_relative_update, line_search_factor / 2
            # The linesearch failed. We could not find a factor that ensures the next
            # function estimate is closer to 0.
            convergence = False
        # We failed to converge after the maximum number of iterations.
        convergence = False

    if not convergence:
        if use_mem_when_failing_to_converge:
            directions = np.arctan2(twiddle_factors[1, :], twiddle_factors[0, :])
            directional_distribution[:] = numba_mem(
                directions, moments[0], moments[1], moments[2], moments[3]
            raise ValueError("we did not converge")

    directional_distribution[:] = mem2_directional_distribution(
        current_iterate, direction_increment, twiddle_factors

    return directional_distribution

# mem2 functions
# ----------------------

@numba.njit(cache=True, fastmath=_FASTMATH)
def moment_constraints(lambdas, twiddle_factors, moments, direction_increment):
    Construct the nonlinear equations we need to solve for lambda. The constrainst are
    the difference between the desired moments a1,b1,a2,b2 and the moment calculated
    from the current distribution guess and for a perfect fit should be 0.

    To note: we differ from Kim et al here who formulate the constraints using
    unnormalized equations. Here we opt to use the normalized version as that
    allows us to cast the error / or mismatch directly in terms of an error in the

    :param lambdas: the lagrange multipliers
    :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2*theta, cos 2*theta] as a 4
    by ndir array
    :param moments: [a1,b1,a2,b2]
    :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array
    :return: array (length=4) with the difference between desired moments and those
        calculated from the current approximate distribution

    # Get the current estimate of the directional distribution
    dist = mem2_directional_distribution(lambdas, direction_increment, twiddle_factors)
    out = np.zeros(4)
    for mm in range(0, 4):
        # note - the part after the "-" is just a discrete approximation of the
        # Fourier sine/cosine amplitude (moment)
        out[mm] = moments[mm] - np.sum(
            (twiddle_factors[mm, :]) * dist * direction_increment

    return out

@numba.njit(cache=True, fastmath=_FASTMATH)
def mem2_jacobian(lagrange_multiplier, twiddle_factors, direction_increment, jacobian):
    Calculate the jacobian of the constraint equations. The resulting jacobian is a
    square and positive definite matrix

    :param lambdas: the lagrange multipliers
    :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2*theta, cos 2*theta] as a
        4 by ndir array
    :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array

    :return: a 4 by 4 matrix that is the Jacobian of the constraint equations.
    inner_product = np.zeros(twiddle_factors.shape[1])
    for jj in range(0, 4):
        inner_product = inner_product + lagrange_multiplier[jj] * twiddle_factors[jj, :]

    # We subtract the minimum to ensure that the values in the exponent do not become
    # too large. This amounts to multiplyig with a constant - which is fine since we
    # normalize anyway. Effectively- this avoids overflow errors (or infinities)
    #  - at the expense of underflowing (which is less of an issue).
    inner_product = inner_product - np.min(inner_product)

    normalization = 1 / np.sum(np.exp(-inner_product) * direction_increment)
    shape = np.exp(-inner_product)

    normalization_derivative = np.zeros(4)
    for mm in range(0, 4):
        normalization_derivative[mm] = normalization * np.sum(
            twiddle_factors[mm, :] * np.exp(-inner_product) * direction_increment

    # To note- we have to multiply seperately to avoid potential
    # underflow/overflow errors.
    normalization_derivative = normalization_derivative * normalization

    shape_derivative = np.zeros((4, twiddle_factors.shape[1]))
    for mm in range(0, 4):
        shape_derivative[mm, :] = -twiddle_factors[mm, :] * shape

    for mm in range(0, 4):
        # we make use of symmetry and only explicitly calculate up to the diagonal
        for nn in range(0, mm + 1):
            jacobian[mm, nn] = -np.sum(
                twiddle_factors[mm, :]
                * direction_increment
                * (
                    normalization * shape_derivative[nn, :]
                    + shape * normalization_derivative[nn]
            if nn != mm:
                jacobian[nn, mm] = jacobian[mm, nn]
    return jacobian

@numba.njit(cache=True, fastmath=_FASTMATH)
def mem2_directional_distribution(
    lagrange_multiplier, direction_increment, twiddle_factors
) -> np.ndarray:
    Given the solution for the Lagrange multipliers- reconstruct the directional
    :param lagrange_multiplier: the lagrange multipliers
    :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2*theta, cos 2*theta] as a 4 by
        ndir array
    :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array
    :return: Directional distribution arrasy as a function of directions
    inner_product = np.zeros(twiddle_factors.shape[1])
    for jj in range(0, 4):
        inner_product = inner_product + lagrange_multiplier[jj] * twiddle_factors[jj, :]

    inner_product = inner_product - np.min(inner_product)

    normalization = 1 / np.sum(np.exp(-inner_product) * direction_increment)
    return np.exp(-inner_product) * normalization

@numba.njit(cache=True, fastmath=_FASTMATH)
def initial_value(a1: np.ndarray, b1: np.ndarray, a2: np.ndarray, b2: np.ndarray):
    Initial guess of the Lagrange Multipliers according to the "MEM AP2" approximation
    found im Kim1995

    :param a1: moment a1
    :param b1: moment b1
    :param a2: moment a2
    :param b2: moment b2
    :return: initial guess of the lagrange multipliers,
        with the same leading dimensions as input.
    guess = np.empty((*a1.shape, 4))
    fac = 1 + a1**2 + b1**2 + a2**2 + b2**2
    guess[..., 0] = 2 * a1 * a2 + 2 * b1 * b2 - 2 * a1 * fac
    guess[..., 1] = 2 * a1 * b2 - 2 * b1 * a2 - 2 * b1 * fac
    guess[..., 2] = a1**2 - b1**2 - 2 * a2 * fac
    guess[..., 3] = 2 * a1 * b1 - 2 * b2 * fac
    return guess

@numba.njit(cache=True, fastmath=True)
def solve_cholesky(matrix, rhs):
    Solve using cholesky decomposition according to the Cholesky–Banachiewicz algorithm.
    M, N = matrix.shape
    x = np.zeros(M)
    cholesky_decomposition = np.zeros((M, M))
    inv = np.zeros(M)

    for mm in range(0, M):
        forward_sub_sum = rhs[mm]
        for nn in range(0, mm):
            sum = matrix[mm, nn]
            for kk in range(0, nn):
                sum -= cholesky_decomposition[mm, kk] * cholesky_decomposition[nn, kk]

            cholesky_decomposition[mm, nn] = inv[nn] * sum
            forward_sub_sum += -cholesky_decomposition[mm, nn] * x[nn]

        sum = matrix[mm, mm]
        for kk in range(0, mm):
            sum -= cholesky_decomposition[mm, kk] ** 2

        if sum <= 0.0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Matrix not positive definite, likely due to finite precision errors."

        cholesky_decomposition[mm, mm] = np.sqrt(sum)
        inv[mm] = 1 / cholesky_decomposition[mm, mm]
        x[mm] = forward_sub_sum * inv[mm]

    # Backward Substitution (in place)
    for mm in range(0, M):
        kk = M - mm - 1
        sum = x[kk]
        for nn in range(kk + 1, N):
            sum += -cholesky_decomposition[nn, kk] * x[nn]
        x[kk] = sum * inv[kk]
    return x


def initial_value(a1: numpy.ndarray, b1: numpy.ndarray, a2: numpy.ndarray, b2: numpy.ndarray)

Initial guess of the Lagrange Multipliers according to the "MEM AP2" approximation found im Kim1995

:param a1: moment a1 :param b1: moment b1 :param a2: moment a2 :param b2: moment b2 :return: initial guess of the lagrange multipliers, with the same leading dimensions as input.

Expand source code
@numba.njit(cache=True, fastmath=_FASTMATH)
def initial_value(a1: np.ndarray, b1: np.ndarray, a2: np.ndarray, b2: np.ndarray):
    Initial guess of the Lagrange Multipliers according to the "MEM AP2" approximation
    found im Kim1995

    :param a1: moment a1
    :param b1: moment b1
    :param a2: moment a2
    :param b2: moment b2
    :return: initial guess of the lagrange multipliers,
        with the same leading dimensions as input.
    guess = np.empty((*a1.shape, 4))
    fac = 1 + a1**2 + b1**2 + a2**2 + b2**2
    guess[..., 0] = 2 * a1 * a2 + 2 * b1 * b2 - 2 * a1 * fac
    guess[..., 1] = 2 * a1 * b2 - 2 * b1 * a2 - 2 * b1 * fac
    guess[..., 2] = a1**2 - b1**2 - 2 * a2 * fac
    guess[..., 3] = 2 * a1 * b1 - 2 * b2 * fac
    return guess
def mem2(directions_radians: numpy.ndarray, a1: numpy.ndarray, b1: numpy.ndarray, a2: numpy.ndarray, b2: numpy.ndarray, progress_bar: numba_progress.progress.ProgressBar = None, solution_method='newton', solver_config=None) ‑> numpy.ndarray

:param directions_radians: :param a1: :param b1: :param a2: :param b2: :param solution_method: :return:

Expand source code
def mem2(
    directions_radians: np.ndarray,
    a1: np.ndarray,
    b1: np.ndarray,
    a2: np.ndarray,
    b2: np.ndarray,
    progress_bar: ProgressBar = None,
) -> np.ndarray:

    :param directions_radians:
    :param a1:
    :param b1:
    :param a2:
    :param b2:
    :param solution_method:

    if solver_config is None:
        solver_config = NUMERICS

        solver_config = NUMERICS | solver_config

    if solution_method == "scipy":
        func = mem2_scipy_root_finder
        kwargs = {}

    elif solution_method == "newton":
        func = mem2_newton
        numba_solver_config = numba.typed.Dict.empty(
            key_type=numba.core.types.unicode_type, value_type=numba.core.types.float64
        for key in solver_config:
            numba_solver_config[key] = solver_config[key]

        kwargs = {"config": numba_solver_config}

    elif solution_method == "approximate":
        func = mem2_newton
        kwargs = {"approximate": True}

        raise ValueError("Unknown method")

    return func(directions_radians, a1, b1, a2, b2, progress_bar, **kwargs)
def mem2_directional_distribution(lagrange_multiplier, direction_increment, twiddle_factors) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Given the solution for the Lagrange multipliers- reconstruct the directional distribution. :param lagrange_multiplier: the lagrange multipliers :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2theta, cos 2theta] as a 4 by ndir array :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array :return: Directional distribution arrasy as a function of directions

Expand source code
@numba.njit(cache=True, fastmath=_FASTMATH)
def mem2_directional_distribution(
    lagrange_multiplier, direction_increment, twiddle_factors
) -> np.ndarray:
    Given the solution for the Lagrange multipliers- reconstruct the directional
    :param lagrange_multiplier: the lagrange multipliers
    :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2*theta, cos 2*theta] as a 4 by
        ndir array
    :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array
    :return: Directional distribution arrasy as a function of directions
    inner_product = np.zeros(twiddle_factors.shape[1])
    for jj in range(0, 4):
        inner_product = inner_product + lagrange_multiplier[jj] * twiddle_factors[jj, :]

    inner_product = inner_product - np.min(inner_product)

    normalization = 1 / np.sum(np.exp(-inner_product) * direction_increment)
    return np.exp(-inner_product) * normalization
def mem2_jacobian(lagrange_multiplier, twiddle_factors, direction_increment, jacobian)

Calculate the jacobian of the constraint equations. The resulting jacobian is a square and positive definite matrix

:param lambdas: the lagrange multipliers :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2theta, cos 2theta] as a 4 by ndir array :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array

:return: a 4 by 4 matrix that is the Jacobian of the constraint equations.

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@numba.njit(cache=True, fastmath=_FASTMATH)
def mem2_jacobian(lagrange_multiplier, twiddle_factors, direction_increment, jacobian):
    Calculate the jacobian of the constraint equations. The resulting jacobian is a
    square and positive definite matrix

    :param lambdas: the lagrange multipliers
    :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2*theta, cos 2*theta] as a
        4 by ndir array
    :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array

    :return: a 4 by 4 matrix that is the Jacobian of the constraint equations.
    inner_product = np.zeros(twiddle_factors.shape[1])
    for jj in range(0, 4):
        inner_product = inner_product + lagrange_multiplier[jj] * twiddle_factors[jj, :]

    # We subtract the minimum to ensure that the values in the exponent do not become
    # too large. This amounts to multiplyig with a constant - which is fine since we
    # normalize anyway. Effectively- this avoids overflow errors (or infinities)
    #  - at the expense of underflowing (which is less of an issue).
    inner_product = inner_product - np.min(inner_product)

    normalization = 1 / np.sum(np.exp(-inner_product) * direction_increment)
    shape = np.exp(-inner_product)

    normalization_derivative = np.zeros(4)
    for mm in range(0, 4):
        normalization_derivative[mm] = normalization * np.sum(
            twiddle_factors[mm, :] * np.exp(-inner_product) * direction_increment

    # To note- we have to multiply seperately to avoid potential
    # underflow/overflow errors.
    normalization_derivative = normalization_derivative * normalization

    shape_derivative = np.zeros((4, twiddle_factors.shape[1]))
    for mm in range(0, 4):
        shape_derivative[mm, :] = -twiddle_factors[mm, :] * shape

    for mm in range(0, 4):
        # we make use of symmetry and only explicitly calculate up to the diagonal
        for nn in range(0, mm + 1):
            jacobian[mm, nn] = -np.sum(
                twiddle_factors[mm, :]
                * direction_increment
                * (
                    normalization * shape_derivative[nn, :]
                    + shape * normalization_derivative[nn]
            if nn != mm:
                jacobian[nn, mm] = jacobian[mm, nn]
    return jacobian
def mem2_newton(directions_radians: numpy.ndarray, a1: numpy.ndarray, b1: numpy.ndarray, a2: numpy.ndarray, b2: numpy.ndarray, progress_bar: numba_progress.progress.ProgressBar = None, config: numba.typed.typeddict.Dict = None, approximate: bool = False) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Return the directional distribution that maximizes Shannon [ - D log(D) ] enthrophy constrained by given observed directional moments.

:param directions_radians: 1d array of wave directions in radians, length[number_of_directions]

:param a1: 1d array of cosine directional moment as function of position and frequency, shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

:param b1: 1d array of sine directional moment as function of position and frequency, shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

:param a2: 1d array of double angle cosine directional moment as function of position and frequency, shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

:param b2: 1d array of double angle sine directional moment as function of position and frequency, shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

:param progress_bar: Progress bar instance if updates are desired.

:return: array with shape [ numbrt_of_points, number_of_frequencies, number_of_direction ] representing the directional distribution of the waves at each frequency.

Maximize the enthrophy of the solution with entrophy defined as:

   integrate - D * log(D) over directions

such that the resulting distribution D reproduces the observed moments.

Expand source code
@numba.njit(parallel=_PARALLEL, cache=(not _PARALLEL))
def mem2_newton(
    directions_radians: np.ndarray,
    a1: np.ndarray,
    b1: np.ndarray,
    a2: np.ndarray,
    b2: np.ndarray,
    progress_bar: ProgressBar = None,
    config: numba.typed.Dict = None,
    approximate: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Return the directional distribution that maximizes Shannon [ - D log(D) ]
    enthrophy constrained by given observed directional moments.

    :param directions_radians: 1d array of wave directions in radians,

    :param a1: 1d array of cosine directional moment as function of
        position and frequency,
        shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

    :param b1: 1d array of sine directional moment as function of
        position and frequency,
        shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

    :param a2: 1d array of double angle cosine directional moment as function of
        position and frequency,
        shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

    :param b2: 1d array of double angle sine directional moment as function of
        position and frequency,
        shape = ( number_of_points,number_of_frequencies)

    :param progress_bar: Progress bar instance if updates are desired.

    :return: array with shape [
    representing the directional distribution of the waves at each frequency.

    Maximize the enthrophy of the solution with entrophy defined as:

           integrate - D * log(D) over directions

    such that the resulting distribution D reproduces the observed moments.


    number_of_frequencies = a1.shape[-1]
    number_of_points = a1.shape[0]

    directional_distribution = np.zeros(
        (number_of_points, number_of_frequencies, len(directions_radians))

    direction_increment_downward_difference = (
        directions_radians - np.roll(directions_radians, 1) + np.pi
    ) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi

    direction_increment_upward_difference = (
        -(directions_radians - np.roll(directions_radians, -1) + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi)
        - np.pi

    direction_increment = (
        direction_increment_downward_difference + direction_increment_upward_difference
    ) / 2

    # Calculate the needed Fourier transform twiddle factors to calculate moments.
    twiddle_factors = np.empty((4, len(directions_radians)))
    twiddle_factors[0, :] = np.cos(directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[1, :] = np.sin(directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[2, :] = np.cos(2 * directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[3, :] = np.sin(2 * directions_radians)

    guess = initial_value(a1, b1, a2, b2)
    for ipoint in numba.prange(0, number_of_points):
        if progress_bar is not None:

        # Note; entries to directional_distribution[ipoint, :, :] is modified in the
        # call below. This avoids creation of memory for the resulting array at the
        # expense of allowing for side-effects.
            directional_distribution[ipoint, :, :],
            a1[ipoint, :],
            b1[ipoint, :],
            a2[ipoint, :],
            b2[ipoint, :],
            guess[ipoint, :, :],

    return directional_distribution
def mem2_newton_solver(moments: numpy.ndarray, guess: numpy.ndarray, direction_increment: numpy.ndarray, twiddle_factors: numpy.ndarray, config=None, approximate=False) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Newton iteration to find the solution to the non-linear system of constraint equations defining the lagrange multipliers in the MEM2 method. Because the Lagrange multipliers enter the equations as exponents the system can be unstable to solve numerically.

:param moments: the normalized directional moments [a1,b1,a2,b2] :param guess: first guess for the lagrange multipliers (ndarray, length 4) :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2theta, cos 2theta] as a 4 by ndir array :param config: numerical settings, see description at NUMERICS at top of file. :param approximate: whether or not to use the approximate relations. :return:

Expand source code
def mem2_newton_solver(
    moments: np.ndarray,
    guess: np.ndarray,
    direction_increment: np.ndarray,
    twiddle_factors: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Newton iteration to find the solution to the non-linear system of constraint
    equations defining the lagrange multipliers in the MEM2 method. Because the
    Lagrange multipliers enter the equations as exponents the system can
    be unstable to solve numerically.

    :param moments: the normalized directional moments [a1,b1,a2,b2]
    :param guess: first guess for the lagrange multipliers (ndarray, length 4)
    :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array
    :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2*theta, cos 2*theta] as a
        4 by ndir array
    :param config: numerical settings, see description at NUMERICS at top of file.
    :param approximate: whether or not to use the approximate relations.
    if config is None:
        max_iter = 100
        rcond = 1e-6
        atol = 0.01
        max_line_search_depth = 8
        use_mem_when_failing_to_converge = True

        max_iter = config["max_iter"]
        rcond = config["rcond"]
        atol = config["atol"]
        max_line_search_depth = config["max_line_search_depth"]
        use_mem_when_failing_to_converge = (
            config["use_mem_when_failing_to_converge"] > 0.0

    directional_distribution = np.empty(len(direction_increment))
    if np.any(np.isnan(guess)):
        directional_distribution[:] = 0
        return directional_distribution

    if approximate:
        directional_distribution[:] = mem2_directional_distribution(
            guess, direction_increment, twiddle_factors
        return directional_distribution

    current_iterate = guess
    current_func = moment_constraints(

    jacobian = np.empty((4, 4))

    convergence = False
    for iter in range(0, max_iter):
        # Stopping criterium
        magnitude_cur_func_eval = np.linalg.norm(current_func)
        if magnitude_cur_func_eval < atol:
            convergence = True

        # Compute jacobian, and find newton iterate innovation as we solve for:
        #       jacobian @ delta = - current_iterate_func_eval
        # with:
        #       delta = next_lagrange_multiplier_iterate-cur_lagrange_multiplier_iterate

        jacobian = mem2_jacobian(
            current_iterate, twiddle_factors, direction_increment, jacobian
            update_iterate = solve_cholesky(jacobian, -current_func)
        except Exception:
            update_iterate = np.linalg.lstsq(jacobian, -current_func, rcond=rcond)[0]

        magnitude_current_iterate = np.linalg.norm(current_iterate)
        magnitude_update = np.linalg.norm(update_iterate)

        # Do a line search for the optimum decrease. This is intended to stabilize the
        # algorithm as the equations are ill-posed.
        line_search_factor = 1
        for ii in range(max_line_search_depth):
            next_iterate = current_iterate + line_search_factor * update_iterate
            next_func = moment_constraints(
                next_iterate, twiddle_factors, moments, direction_increment

            if np.linalg.norm(next_func) < magnitude_cur_func_eval:
                # If we are decreasing- continue
                current_func = next_func
                current_iterate = next_iterate
                # The update may be too big as we are not decreasing the cost function
                # magnitude. We will decrease the step size we take - but keep the
                # direction of the step the same.
                inverse_relative_update = magnitude_current_iterate / magnitude_update
                line_search_factor = min(
                    inverse_relative_update, line_search_factor / 2
            # The linesearch failed. We could not find a factor that ensures the next
            # function estimate is closer to 0.
            convergence = False
        # We failed to converge after the maximum number of iterations.
        convergence = False

    if not convergence:
        if use_mem_when_failing_to_converge:
            directions = np.arctan2(twiddle_factors[1, :], twiddle_factors[0, :])
            directional_distribution[:] = numba_mem(
                directions, moments[0], moments[1], moments[2], moments[3]
            raise ValueError("we did not converge")

    directional_distribution[:] = mem2_directional_distribution(
        current_iterate, direction_increment, twiddle_factors

    return directional_distribution
def mem2_scipy_root_finder(directions_radians: numpy.ndarray, a1: numpy.ndarray, b1: numpy.ndarray, a2: numpy.ndarray, b2: numpy.ndarray, progress, **kwargs) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Return the directional distribution that maximizes Shannon [ - D log(D) ] enthrophy constrained by given observed directional moments,

:param directions_radians: 1d array of wave directions in radians, length[number_of_directions]

:param a1: 1d array of cosine directional moment as function of frequency, length [number_of_frequencies]

:param b1: 1d array of sine directional moment as function of frequency, length [number_of_frequencies]

:param a2: 1d array of double angle cosine directional moment as function of frequency, length [number_of_frequencies]

:param b2: 1d array of double angle sine directional moment as function of frequency, length [number_of_frequencies]

:return: array with shape [number_of_frequencies,number_of_direction] representing the directional distribution of the waves at each frequency.

Maximize the enthrophy of the solution with entrophy defined as:

   integrate - D * log(D) over directions

such that the resulting distribution D reproduces the observed moments.

Expand source code
def mem2_scipy_root_finder(
    directions_radians: np.ndarray,
    a1: np.ndarray,
    b1: np.ndarray,
    a2: np.ndarray,
    b2: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Return the directional distribution that maximizes Shannon [ - D log(D) ]
    enthrophy constrained by given observed directional moments,

    :param directions_radians: 1d array of wave directions in radians,

    :param a1: 1d array of cosine directional moment as function of frequency,
    length [number_of_frequencies]

    :param b1: 1d array of sine directional moment as function of frequency,
    length [number_of_frequencies]

    :param a2: 1d array of double angle cosine directional moment as function
    of frequency, length [number_of_frequencies]

    :param b2: 1d array of double angle sine directional moment as function of
    frequency, length [number_of_frequencies]

    :return: array with shape [number_of_frequencies,number_of_direction]
    representing the directional distribution of the waves at each frequency.

    Maximize the enthrophy of the solution with entrophy defined as:

           integrate - D * log(D) over directions

    such that the resulting distribution D reproduces the observed moments.


    number_of_frequencies = a1.shape[-1]
    number_of_points = a1.shape[0]

    directional_distribution = np.zeros(
        (number_of_points, number_of_frequencies, len(directions_radians))

    direction_increment = get_direction_increment(directions_radians)

    twiddle_factors = np.empty((4, len(directions_radians)))
    twiddle_factors[0, :] = np.cos(directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[1, :] = np.sin(directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[2, :] = np.cos(2 * directions_radians)
    twiddle_factors[3, :] = np.sin(2 * directions_radians)

    guess = initial_value(a1, b1, a2, b2)
    for ipoint in range(0, number_of_points):
        for ifreq in range(0, number_of_frequencies):
            moments = np.array(
                    a1[ipoint, ifreq],
                    b1[ipoint, ifreq],
                    a2[ipoint, ifreq],
                    b2[ipoint, ifreq],

            if np.any(np.isnan(guess[ipoint, ifreq, :])):

            res = scipy.optimize.root(
                guess[ipoint, ifreq, :],
                args=(twiddle_factors, moments, direction_increment),
            lambas = res.x

            directional_distribution[ipoint, ifreq, :] = mem2_directional_distribution(
                lambas, direction_increment, twiddle_factors

    return directional_distribution
def moment_constraints(lambdas, twiddle_factors, moments, direction_increment)

Construct the nonlinear equations we need to solve for lambda. The constrainst are the difference between the desired moments a1,b1,a2,b2 and the moment calculated from the current distribution guess and for a perfect fit should be 0.

To note: we differ from Kim et al here who formulate the constraints using unnormalized equations. Here we opt to use the normalized version as that allows us to cast the error / or mismatch directly in terms of an error in the moments.

:param lambdas: the lagrange multipliers :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2theta, cos 2theta] as a 4 by ndir array :param moments: [a1,b1,a2,b2] :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array :return: array (length=4) with the difference between desired moments and those calculated from the current approximate distribution

Expand source code
@numba.njit(cache=True, fastmath=_FASTMATH)
def moment_constraints(lambdas, twiddle_factors, moments, direction_increment):
    Construct the nonlinear equations we need to solve for lambda. The constrainst are
    the difference between the desired moments a1,b1,a2,b2 and the moment calculated
    from the current distribution guess and for a perfect fit should be 0.

    To note: we differ from Kim et al here who formulate the constraints using
    unnormalized equations. Here we opt to use the normalized version as that
    allows us to cast the error / or mismatch directly in terms of an error in the

    :param lambdas: the lagrange multipliers
    :param twiddle_factors: [sin theta, cost theta, sin 2*theta, cos 2*theta] as a 4
    by ndir array
    :param moments: [a1,b1,a2,b2]
    :param direction_increment: directional stepsize used in the integration, nd-array
    :return: array (length=4) with the difference between desired moments and those
        calculated from the current approximate distribution

    # Get the current estimate of the directional distribution
    dist = mem2_directional_distribution(lambdas, direction_increment, twiddle_factors)
    out = np.zeros(4)
    for mm in range(0, 4):
        # note - the part after the "-" is just a discrete approximation of the
        # Fourier sine/cosine amplitude (moment)
        out[mm] = moments[mm] - np.sum(
            (twiddle_factors[mm, :]) * dist * direction_increment

    return out
def solve_cholesky(matrix, rhs)

Solve using cholesky decomposition according to the Cholesky–Banachiewicz algorithm. See:

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@numba.njit(cache=True, fastmath=True)
def solve_cholesky(matrix, rhs):
    Solve using cholesky decomposition according to the Cholesky–Banachiewicz algorithm.
    M, N = matrix.shape
    x = np.zeros(M)
    cholesky_decomposition = np.zeros((M, M))
    inv = np.zeros(M)

    for mm in range(0, M):
        forward_sub_sum = rhs[mm]
        for nn in range(0, mm):
            sum = matrix[mm, nn]
            for kk in range(0, nn):
                sum -= cholesky_decomposition[mm, kk] * cholesky_decomposition[nn, kk]

            cholesky_decomposition[mm, nn] = inv[nn] * sum
            forward_sub_sum += -cholesky_decomposition[mm, nn] * x[nn]

        sum = matrix[mm, mm]
        for kk in range(0, mm):
            sum -= cholesky_decomposition[mm, kk] ** 2

        if sum <= 0.0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Matrix not positive definite, likely due to finite precision errors."

        cholesky_decomposition[mm, mm] = np.sqrt(sum)
        inv[mm] = 1 / cholesky_decomposition[mm, mm]
        x[mm] = forward_sub_sum * inv[mm]

    # Backward Substitution (in place)
    for mm in range(0, M):
        kk = M - mm - 1
        sum = x[kk]
        for nn in range(kk + 1, N):
            sum += -cholesky_decomposition[nn, kk] * x[nn]
        x[kk] = sum * inv[kk]
    return x