Module ocean_science_utilities.wavephysics.balance.jb23_tail_stress
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import numba # type: ignore
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, Mapping, Tuple, Union
from ocean_science_utilities.wavephysics.balance._numba_settings import numba_default
from ocean_science_utilities.wavephysics.balance.solvers import numba_newton_raphson
def tail_stress_parametrization_jb23(
variance_density: np.ndarray,
wind: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, str],
depth: np.ndarray,
roughness_length: np.ndarray,
spectral_grid: Dict[str, np.ndarray],
parameters: Mapping,
) -> Tuple[Union[float, np.ndarray], Union[float, np.ndarray]]:
vonkarman_constant = parameters["vonkarman_constant"]
radian_direction = spectral_grid["radian_direction"]
elevation = parameters["elevation"]
number_of_frequencies, number_of_directions = variance_density.shape
direction_step = spectral_grid["direction_step"]
wind_forcing, wind_direction_degrees, wind_forcing_type = wind
wind_direction_radian = wind_direction_degrees * np.pi / 180
cosine_mutual_angle = np.cos(radian_direction - wind_direction_radian)
cosine = np.cos(radian_direction)
sine = np.sin(radian_direction)
if wind_forcing_type == "u10":
friction_velocity = (
wind_forcing * vonkarman_constant / np.log(elevation / roughness_length)
elif wind_forcing_type in ["ustar", "friction_velocity"]:
friction_velocity = wind_forcing
raise ValueError("Unknown wind input type")
directional_integral = 0.0
directional_integral_last_bin = 0.0
directional_integral_last_bin_east = 0.0
directional_integral_last_bin_north = 0.0
for direction_index in range(0, number_of_directions):
if cosine_mutual_angle[direction_index] <= 0.0:
directional_integral += (
variance_density[number_of_frequencies - 1, direction_index]
* direction_step[direction_index]
directional_integral_last_bin += (
cosine_mutual_angle[direction_index] ** 2
* variance_density[number_of_frequencies - 1, direction_index]
* direction_step[direction_index]
directional_integral_last_bin_east += (
cosine_mutual_angle[direction_index] ** 2
* cosine[direction_index]
* variance_density[number_of_frequencies - 1, direction_index]
* direction_step[direction_index]
directional_integral_last_bin_north += (
cosine_mutual_angle[direction_index] ** 2
* sine[direction_index]
* variance_density[number_of_frequencies - 1, direction_index]
* direction_step[direction_index]
if directional_integral_last_bin > 0.0:
stress_east_fac = (
directional_integral_last_bin_east / directional_integral_last_bin
stress_north_fac = (
directional_integral_last_bin_north / directional_integral_last_bin
stress_east_fac = 1.0
stress_north_fac = 0.0
last_resolved_wavenumber = (
spectral_grid["radian_frequency"][number_of_frequencies - 1] ** 2
/ parameters["gravitational_acceleration"]
jacobian_to_wavenumber_density = (
spectral_grid["radian_frequency"][number_of_frequencies - 1]
/ last_resolved_wavenumber
/ 4
/ np.pi
starting_energy_wavenumber_density = (
directional_integral_last_bin * jacobian_to_wavenumber_density
wavenumbers = wavenumber_grid(
last_resolved_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters
if wavenumbers[0] < 0:
return 0.0, 0.0
saturation_spectrum = saturation_spectrum_parametrization(
background_stress = (
parameters["charnock_constant"] ** 2
* friction_velocity**6
/ parameters["gravitational_acceleration"] ** 2
/ roughness_length**2
tail_spectrum = saturation_spectrum * wavenumbers ** (-3)
stress = wind_stress_tail(
wavenumbers, roughness_length, friction_velocity, tail_spectrum, parameters
integral = (
np.trapz(stress, wavenumbers) + background_stress * parameters["air_density"]
eastward_stress = integral * stress_east_fac
northward_stress = integral * stress_north_fac
return eastward_stress, northward_stress
# --------------------------------
# Janssen and Bidlot 2022
# --------------------------------
def wind_stress_tail(
windinput = wind_input_tail(
wavenumbers, roughness_length, friction_velocity, tail_spectrum, parameters
angular_frequency = dispersion(
stress = np.empty(wavenumbers.shape[0])
for wavenumber_index in range(0, wavenumbers.shape[0]):
stress[wavenumber_index] = (
angular_frequency[wavenumber_index] * windinput[wavenumber_index]
return stress * parameters["water_density"]
# ----
# Helper functions Integration domains
# ----
def log_bounds_wavenumber(roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters):
Find the lower bound of the integration domain for JB2022.
:param friction_velocity:
:param effective_charnock:
:param vonkarman_constant:
:param wave_age_tuning_parameter:
:param gravitational_acceleration:
args = (roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters)
if friction_velocity <= 0.0:
return np.array((-np.inf, -np.inf))
# Wavenumber where miles_mu has a minimum value.
miles_max_val_wavenumber = np.log(
parameters["vonkarman_constant"] ** 2
* parameters["gravitational_acceleration"]
/ 4
/ friction_velocity**2
if (
miles_max_val_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters
> 0.0
# Not solvable. Essentially zero stress interval.
return np.array((-np.inf, -np.inf))
# find the right root
log_upper_bound = numba_newton_raphson(
np.log(1.1 / roughness_length),
(miles_max_val_wavenumber, np.log(1 / roughness_length)),
name="log bound wavenumber 1",
guess = miles_max_val_wavenumber - 1
# find the left root
while True:
log_lower_bound = numba_newton_raphson(
(-np.inf, miles_max_val_wavenumber),
name="log bound wavenumber 3",
if log_lower_bound < log_upper_bound * 0.98:
guess = guess - 1
return np.array([log_lower_bound, log_upper_bound])
# ----
# Helper functions growth parameter
# ----
def miles_mu(log_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters):
vonkarman_constant = parameters["vonkarman_constant"]
wave_age_tuning_parameter = parameters["wave_age_tuning_parameter"]
gravitational_acceleration = parameters["gravitational_acceleration"]
surface_tension = parameters["surface_tension"]
wavenumber = np.exp(log_wavenumber)
wavespeed = celerity(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension)
return (
+ np.log(roughness_length)
+ vonkarman_constant
/ (friction_velocity / wavespeed + wave_age_tuning_parameter)
def miles_mu_cutoff(log_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters):
return miles_mu(
log_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters
) - np.log(1 + 0.25 * np.tanh(4 * friction_velocity**4))
def wind_input_tail(
wavenumbers, roughness_length, friction_velocity, tail_spectrum, parameters
vonkarman_constant = parameters["vonkarman_constant"]
growth_parameter_betamax = parameters["growth_parameter_betamax"]
non_linear_effect_strength = parameters["non_linear_effect_strength"]
number_of_wavenumbers = wavenumbers.shape[0]
windinput = np.empty(number_of_wavenumbers)
mu = miles_mu(np.log(wavenumbers), roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters)
epsilon = parameters["air_density"] / parameters["water_density"]
wave_speed = celerity(
) # parameters["surface_tension"])
angular_frequency = dispersion(
miles_cutoff = np.log(1 + 0.25 * np.tanh(4 * friction_velocity**4))
for wavenumber_index in range(0, number_of_wavenumbers):
if mu[wavenumber_index] > miles_cutoff:
windinput[wavenumber_index] = 0.0
linear_growth_parameter = (
* mu[wavenumber_index] ** 4
* np.exp(mu[wavenumber_index])
* growth_parameter_betamax
/ vonkarman_constant**2
* epsilon
* friction_velocity**2
/ wave_speed[wavenumber_index] ** 2
N2 = (
* tail_spectrum[wavenumber_index]
* linear_growth_parameter
* wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] ** 2
/ vonkarman_constant
/ epsilon
/ friction_velocity
N1 = N2 / 6.0
nonlinear_correction = (1.0 + N1) / (1.0 + N2)
growth_parameter = linear_growth_parameter * nonlinear_correction
windinput[wavenumber_index] = growth_parameter * tail_spectrum[wavenumber_index]
return windinput
# ----
# Helper functions spectral parametrization tail
# ----
def wavenumber_grid(
starting_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters
log_starting_wavenumber = np.log(starting_wavenumber)
log_bounds = log_bounds_wavenumber(roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters)
if log_bounds[0] < log_starting_wavenumber:
log_bounds[0] = log_starting_wavenumber
if log_bounds[1] < log_starting_wavenumber:
# Numba does not handle multiple returns well. Here I return a len 1
# np.array with a negative wavenumber to signal that there is no valid
# wavenumber grid
return np.array([-1.0])
# After Lenain and Melville, 2017
log_upper_bound_eq_range = np.log(
upper_limit_wavenumber_equilibrium_range(friction_velocity, parameters)
# Starting wave number where we switch on 3-wave interactions.
log_three_wave_start = np.log(
three_wave_starting_wavenumber(friction_velocity, parameters)
has_eq_range = log_bounds[0] < log_upper_bound_eq_range
has_constant_range = (
log_bounds[0] < log_three_wave_start
and log_bounds[1] > log_upper_bound_eq_range
has_cap_range = log_bounds[1] > log_three_wave_start
if has_eq_range:
high = np.min(np.array((log_upper_bound_eq_range, log_bounds[1])))
low = log_bounds[0]
wavenumber = np.linspace(low, high, 50)
wavenumber = np.zeros((1,))
wavenumber[0] = log_bounds[0]
if has_constant_range:
high = np.min(np.array((log_three_wave_start, log_bounds[1])))
low = wavenumber[-1]
wavenumber = np.concatenate((wavenumber[:-1], np.linspace(low, high, 50)))
if has_cap_range:
high = log_bounds[1]
low = wavenumber[-1]
wavenumber = np.concatenate((wavenumber[:-1], np.linspace(low, high, 50)))
return np.exp(wavenumber)
def saturation_spectrum_parametrization(
Saturation spectrum accordin to the VIERS model (adapted from JB2023)
:param wavenumbers: set of wavenumbers
:param energy_at_starting_wavenumber: variance density as a function of wavenumber,
scaled such that int(e(k) dk = variance. This varies from Peter's work who uses
an energy E such that e = E*k with k the wavenumber which originates from a
transfer to polar coordinates of the 2d wavenumber spectrum.
:param gravitational_acceleration: gravitational
:param surface_tension:
:param friction_velocity:
gravitational_acceleration = parameters["gravitational_acceleration"]
surface_tension = parameters["surface_tension"]
# After Lenain and Melville, 2017
upper_bound_eq_range = 0.01 * gravitational_acceleration / friction_velocity**2
# Starting wave number where we switch on 3-wave interactions.
three_wave_start = three_wave_starting_wavenumber(friction_velocity, parameters)
number_of_wavenumbers = wavenumbers.shape[0]
saturation_spectrum = np.empty(number_of_wavenumbers)
# Saturation in the "saturation range", we assume a k**-3 spectrum here (f**-5)
saturation_at_start_of_eq_range = (
energy_at_starting_wavenumber * starting_wavenumber**3
if starting_wavenumber < upper_bound_eq_range:
saturation_at_end_of_eq_range = saturation_at_start_of_eq_range * np.sqrt(
upper_bound_eq_range / starting_wavenumber
saturation_at_end_of_eq_range = saturation_at_start_of_eq_range
# Strength of the 3-wave interactin parameter. This is directly taken from the
# VIERS work - as it was not specified what was used in JB23.
strength_three_wave_interactions = (
* np.pi
/ 16
* (np.tanh(2 * (np.sqrt(wavenumbers / three_wave_start) - 1)) + 1)
# Strength at the point where we turn on the interactions
strength_three_wave_interactions_start = 3 * np.pi / 16
energy_flux_at_boundary = (
* saturation_at_end_of_eq_range**2
* celerity(three_wave_start, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension) ** 4
/ group_velocity(three_wave_start, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension)
if surface_tension > 0.0:
k0 = np.sqrt(gravitational_acceleration / surface_tension)
k0 = np.inf
c0 = (gravitational_acceleration * surface_tension) ** (1 / 4)
for wavenumber_index in range(number_of_wavenumbers):
if wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] < upper_bound_eq_range:
# In the eq. range the saturation spectrum goes as np.sqrt(k)
] = saturation_at_start_of_eq_range * np.sqrt(
wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] / starting_wavenumber
elif (
wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] >= upper_bound_eq_range
and wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] < three_wave_start
# Constant saturation region
saturation_spectrum[wavenumber_index] = saturation_at_end_of_eq_range
elif wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] >= three_wave_start:
# Region where three-wave interactions play a role
scaling_constant = np.sqrt(
/ 2
# strength_three_wave_interactions[wavenumber_index]
/ strength_three_wave_interactions_start
) * c0 ** (-3 / 2)
y = wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] / k0
saturation_spectrum[wavenumber_index] = (
* y
* np.sqrt(1 + 3 * y**2)
/ ((1 + y**2) * (y + y**3) ** (1 / 4))
return saturation_spectrum
def upper_limit_wavenumber_equilibrium_range(friction_velocity, parameters):
Upper limit eq. range
:param gravitational_acceleration:
:param surface_tension:
:param friction_velocity:
return 0.01 * parameters["gravitational_acceleration"] / friction_velocity**2
def three_wave_starting_wavenumber(friction_velocity, parameters):
Starting wavenumber for the capilary-gravity part. See JB2023, eq 41 and 42.
:param gravitational_acceleration:
:param surface_tension:
:param friction_velocity:
if parameters["surface_tension"] == 0.0:
return np.inf
return (
parameters["gravitational_acceleration"] / parameters["surface_tension"]
* 1
/ (1.48 + 2.05 * friction_velocity)
# ----
# Helper functions grav. cap. waves
# ----
def dispersion(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension):
return np.sqrt(
gravitational_acceleration * wavenumber + surface_tension * wavenumber**3
def celerity(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension):
return np.sqrt(
gravitational_acceleration / wavenumber + surface_tension * wavenumber
def group_velocity(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension):
return (
/ 2.0
* (gravitational_acceleration + 3 * surface_tension * wavenumber**2)
/ np.sqrt(
gravitational_acceleration * wavenumber + surface_tension * wavenumber**3
def celerity(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension)
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def celerity(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension): return np.sqrt( gravitational_acceleration / wavenumber + surface_tension * wavenumber )
def dispersion(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension)
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def dispersion(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension): return np.sqrt( gravitational_acceleration * wavenumber + surface_tension * wavenumber**3 )
def group_velocity(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension)
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def group_velocity(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension): return ( 1.0 / 2.0 * (gravitational_acceleration + 3 * surface_tension * wavenumber**2) / np.sqrt( gravitational_acceleration * wavenumber + surface_tension * wavenumber**3 ) )
def log_bounds_wavenumber(roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters)
Find the lower bound of the integration domain for JB2022.
:param friction_velocity: :param effective_charnock: :param vonkarman_constant: :param wave_age_tuning_parameter: :param gravitational_acceleration: :return:
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def log_bounds_wavenumber(roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters): """ Find the lower bound of the integration domain for JB2022. :param friction_velocity: :param effective_charnock: :param vonkarman_constant: :param wave_age_tuning_parameter: :param gravitational_acceleration: :return: """ args = (roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters) if friction_velocity <= 0.0: return np.array((-np.inf, -np.inf)) # Wavenumber where miles_mu has a minimum value. miles_max_val_wavenumber = np.log( parameters["vonkarman_constant"] ** 2 * parameters["gravitational_acceleration"] / 4 / friction_velocity**2 ) if ( miles_mu_cutoff( miles_max_val_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters ) > 0.0 ): # Not solvable. Essentially zero stress interval. return np.array((-np.inf, -np.inf)) # find the right root log_upper_bound = numba_newton_raphson( miles_mu_cutoff, np.log(1.1 / roughness_length), args, (miles_max_val_wavenumber, np.log(1 / roughness_length)), verbose=False, name="log bound wavenumber 1", ) guess = miles_max_val_wavenumber - 1 # find the left root while True: log_lower_bound = numba_newton_raphson( miles_mu_cutoff, guess, args, (-np.inf, miles_max_val_wavenumber), verbose=False, name="log bound wavenumber 3", ) if log_lower_bound < log_upper_bound * 0.98: break else: guess = guess - 1 return np.array([log_lower_bound, log_upper_bound])
def miles_mu(log_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters)
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def miles_mu(log_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters): vonkarman_constant = parameters["vonkarman_constant"] wave_age_tuning_parameter = parameters["wave_age_tuning_parameter"] gravitational_acceleration = parameters["gravitational_acceleration"] surface_tension = parameters["surface_tension"] wavenumber = np.exp(log_wavenumber) wavespeed = celerity(wavenumber, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension) return ( log_wavenumber + np.log(roughness_length) + vonkarman_constant / (friction_velocity / wavespeed + wave_age_tuning_parameter) )
def miles_mu_cutoff(log_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters)
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def miles_mu_cutoff(log_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters): return miles_mu( log_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters ) - np.log(1 + 0.25 * np.tanh(4 * friction_velocity**4))
def saturation_spectrum_parametrization(wavenumbers, energy_at_starting_wavenumber, starting_wavenumber, friction_velocity, parameters)
Saturation spectrum accordin to the VIERS model (adapted from JB2023)
:param wavenumbers: set of wavenumbers :param energy_at_starting_wavenumber: variance density as a function of wavenumber, scaled such that int(e(k) dk = variance. This varies from Peter's work who uses an energy E such that e = E*k with k the wavenumber which originates from a transfer to polar coordinates of the 2d wavenumber spectrum.
:param gravitational_acceleration: gravitational :param surface_tension: :param friction_velocity: :return:
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def saturation_spectrum_parametrization( wavenumbers, energy_at_starting_wavenumber, starting_wavenumber, friction_velocity, parameters, ): """ Saturation spectrum accordin to the VIERS model (adapted from JB2023) :param wavenumbers: set of wavenumbers :param energy_at_starting_wavenumber: variance density as a function of wavenumber, scaled such that int(e(k) dk = variance. This varies from Peter's work who uses an energy E such that e = E*k with k the wavenumber which originates from a transfer to polar coordinates of the 2d wavenumber spectrum. :param gravitational_acceleration: gravitational :param surface_tension: :param friction_velocity: :return: """ gravitational_acceleration = parameters["gravitational_acceleration"] surface_tension = parameters["surface_tension"] # After Lenain and Melville, 2017 upper_bound_eq_range = 0.01 * gravitational_acceleration / friction_velocity**2 # Starting wave number where we switch on 3-wave interactions. three_wave_start = three_wave_starting_wavenumber(friction_velocity, parameters) number_of_wavenumbers = wavenumbers.shape[0] saturation_spectrum = np.empty(number_of_wavenumbers) # Saturation in the "saturation range", we assume a k**-3 spectrum here (f**-5) saturation_at_start_of_eq_range = ( energy_at_starting_wavenumber * starting_wavenumber**3 ) # if starting_wavenumber < upper_bound_eq_range: saturation_at_end_of_eq_range = saturation_at_start_of_eq_range * np.sqrt( upper_bound_eq_range / starting_wavenumber ) else: saturation_at_end_of_eq_range = saturation_at_start_of_eq_range # Strength of the 3-wave interactin parameter. This is directly taken from the # VIERS work - as it was not specified what was used in JB23. strength_three_wave_interactions = ( 3 * np.pi / 16 * (np.tanh(2 * (np.sqrt(wavenumbers / three_wave_start) - 1)) + 1) ) # Strength at the point where we turn on the interactions strength_three_wave_interactions_start = 3 * np.pi / 16 energy_flux_at_boundary = ( strength_three_wave_interactions * saturation_at_end_of_eq_range**2 * celerity(three_wave_start, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension) ** 4 / group_velocity(three_wave_start, gravitational_acceleration, surface_tension) ) if surface_tension > 0.0: k0 = np.sqrt(gravitational_acceleration / surface_tension) else: k0 = np.inf c0 = (gravitational_acceleration * surface_tension) ** (1 / 4) for wavenumber_index in range(number_of_wavenumbers): if wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] < upper_bound_eq_range: # In the eq. range the saturation spectrum goes as np.sqrt(k) saturation_spectrum[ wavenumber_index ] = saturation_at_start_of_eq_range * np.sqrt( wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] / starting_wavenumber ) elif ( wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] >= upper_bound_eq_range and wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] < three_wave_start ): # Constant saturation region saturation_spectrum[wavenumber_index] = saturation_at_end_of_eq_range elif wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] >= three_wave_start: # Region where three-wave interactions play a role scaling_constant = np.sqrt( energy_flux_at_boundary[wavenumber_index] / 2 # strength_three_wave_interactions[wavenumber_index] / strength_three_wave_interactions_start ) * c0 ** (-3 / 2) y = wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] / k0 saturation_spectrum[wavenumber_index] = ( scaling_constant * y * np.sqrt(1 + 3 * y**2) / ((1 + y**2) * (y + y**3) ** (1 / 4)) ) return saturation_spectrum
def tail_stress_parametrization_jb23(variance_density: numpy.ndarray, wind: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, str], depth: numpy.ndarray, roughness_length: numpy.ndarray, spectral_grid: Dict[str, numpy.ndarray], parameters: Mapping) ‑> Tuple[Union[float, numpy.ndarray], Union[float, numpy.ndarray]]
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def tail_stress_parametrization_jb23( variance_density: np.ndarray, wind: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, str], depth: np.ndarray, roughness_length: np.ndarray, spectral_grid: Dict[str, np.ndarray], parameters: Mapping, ) -> Tuple[Union[float, np.ndarray], Union[float, np.ndarray]]: vonkarman_constant = parameters["vonkarman_constant"] radian_direction = spectral_grid["radian_direction"] elevation = parameters["elevation"] number_of_frequencies, number_of_directions = variance_density.shape direction_step = spectral_grid["direction_step"] wind_forcing, wind_direction_degrees, wind_forcing_type = wind wind_direction_radian = wind_direction_degrees * np.pi / 180 cosine_mutual_angle = np.cos(radian_direction - wind_direction_radian) cosine = np.cos(radian_direction) sine = np.sin(radian_direction) if wind_forcing_type == "u10": friction_velocity = ( wind_forcing * vonkarman_constant / np.log(elevation / roughness_length) ) elif wind_forcing_type in ["ustar", "friction_velocity"]: friction_velocity = wind_forcing else: raise ValueError("Unknown wind input type") directional_integral = 0.0 directional_integral_last_bin = 0.0 directional_integral_last_bin_east = 0.0 directional_integral_last_bin_north = 0.0 for direction_index in range(0, number_of_directions): if cosine_mutual_angle[direction_index] <= 0.0: continue directional_integral += ( variance_density[number_of_frequencies - 1, direction_index] * direction_step[direction_index] ) directional_integral_last_bin += ( cosine_mutual_angle[direction_index] ** 2 * variance_density[number_of_frequencies - 1, direction_index] * direction_step[direction_index] ) directional_integral_last_bin_east += ( cosine_mutual_angle[direction_index] ** 2 * cosine[direction_index] * variance_density[number_of_frequencies - 1, direction_index] * direction_step[direction_index] ) directional_integral_last_bin_north += ( cosine_mutual_angle[direction_index] ** 2 * sine[direction_index] * variance_density[number_of_frequencies - 1, direction_index] * direction_step[direction_index] ) if directional_integral_last_bin > 0.0: stress_east_fac = ( directional_integral_last_bin_east / directional_integral_last_bin ) stress_north_fac = ( directional_integral_last_bin_north / directional_integral_last_bin ) else: stress_east_fac = 1.0 stress_north_fac = 0.0 last_resolved_wavenumber = ( spectral_grid["radian_frequency"][number_of_frequencies - 1] ** 2 / parameters["gravitational_acceleration"] ) jacobian_to_wavenumber_density = ( spectral_grid["radian_frequency"][number_of_frequencies - 1] / last_resolved_wavenumber / 4 / np.pi ) starting_energy_wavenumber_density = ( directional_integral_last_bin * jacobian_to_wavenumber_density ) wavenumbers = wavenumber_grid( last_resolved_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters ) if wavenumbers[0] < 0: return 0.0, 0.0 saturation_spectrum = saturation_spectrum_parametrization( wavenumbers, starting_energy_wavenumber_density, last_resolved_wavenumber, friction_velocity, parameters, ) background_stress = ( parameters["charnock_constant"] ** 2 * friction_velocity**6 / parameters["gravitational_acceleration"] ** 2 / roughness_length**2 ) tail_spectrum = saturation_spectrum * wavenumbers ** (-3) stress = wind_stress_tail( wavenumbers, roughness_length, friction_velocity, tail_spectrum, parameters ) integral = ( np.trapz(stress, wavenumbers) + background_stress * parameters["air_density"] ) eastward_stress = integral * stress_east_fac northward_stress = integral * stress_north_fac return eastward_stress, northward_stress
def three_wave_starting_wavenumber(friction_velocity, parameters)
Starting wavenumber for the capilary-gravity part. See JB2023, eq 41 and 42. :param gravitational_acceleration: :param surface_tension: :param friction_velocity: :return:
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def three_wave_starting_wavenumber(friction_velocity, parameters): """ Starting wavenumber for the capilary-gravity part. See JB2023, eq 41 and 42. :param gravitational_acceleration: :param surface_tension: :param friction_velocity: :return: """ if parameters["surface_tension"] == 0.0: return np.inf return ( np.sqrt( parameters["gravitational_acceleration"] / parameters["surface_tension"] ) * 1 / (1.48 + 2.05 * friction_velocity) )
def upper_limit_wavenumber_equilibrium_range(friction_velocity, parameters)
Upper limit eq. range :param gravitational_acceleration: :param surface_tension: :param friction_velocity: :return:
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def upper_limit_wavenumber_equilibrium_range(friction_velocity, parameters): """ Upper limit eq. range :param gravitational_acceleration: :param surface_tension: :param friction_velocity: :return: """ return 0.01 * parameters["gravitational_acceleration"] / friction_velocity**2
def wavenumber_grid(starting_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters)
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def wavenumber_grid( starting_wavenumber, roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters ): log_starting_wavenumber = np.log(starting_wavenumber) log_bounds = log_bounds_wavenumber(roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters) if log_bounds[0] < log_starting_wavenumber: log_bounds[0] = log_starting_wavenumber if log_bounds[1] < log_starting_wavenumber: # Numba does not handle multiple returns well. Here I return a len 1 # np.array with a negative wavenumber to signal that there is no valid # wavenumber grid return np.array([-1.0]) # After Lenain and Melville, 2017 log_upper_bound_eq_range = np.log( upper_limit_wavenumber_equilibrium_range(friction_velocity, parameters) ) # Starting wave number where we switch on 3-wave interactions. log_three_wave_start = np.log( three_wave_starting_wavenumber(friction_velocity, parameters) ) has_eq_range = log_bounds[0] < log_upper_bound_eq_range has_constant_range = ( log_bounds[0] < log_three_wave_start and log_bounds[1] > log_upper_bound_eq_range ) has_cap_range = log_bounds[1] > log_three_wave_start if has_eq_range: high = np.min(np.array((log_upper_bound_eq_range, log_bounds[1]))) low = log_bounds[0] wavenumber = np.linspace(low, high, 50) else: wavenumber = np.zeros((1,)) wavenumber[0] = log_bounds[0] if has_constant_range: high = np.min(np.array((log_three_wave_start, log_bounds[1]))) low = wavenumber[-1] wavenumber = np.concatenate((wavenumber[:-1], np.linspace(low, high, 50))) if has_cap_range: high = log_bounds[1] low = wavenumber[-1] wavenumber = np.concatenate((wavenumber[:-1], np.linspace(low, high, 50))) return np.exp(wavenumber)
def wind_input_tail(wavenumbers, roughness_length, friction_velocity, tail_spectrum, parameters)
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def wind_input_tail( wavenumbers, roughness_length, friction_velocity, tail_spectrum, parameters ): vonkarman_constant = parameters["vonkarman_constant"] growth_parameter_betamax = parameters["growth_parameter_betamax"] non_linear_effect_strength = parameters["non_linear_effect_strength"] number_of_wavenumbers = wavenumbers.shape[0] windinput = np.empty(number_of_wavenumbers) mu = miles_mu(np.log(wavenumbers), roughness_length, friction_velocity, parameters) epsilon = parameters["air_density"] / parameters["water_density"] wave_speed = celerity( wavenumbers, parameters["gravitational_acceleration"], parameters["surface_tension"], ) # parameters["surface_tension"]) angular_frequency = dispersion( wavenumbers, parameters["gravitational_acceleration"], parameters["surface_tension"], ) miles_cutoff = np.log(1 + 0.25 * np.tanh(4 * friction_velocity**4)) for wavenumber_index in range(0, number_of_wavenumbers): if mu[wavenumber_index] > miles_cutoff: windinput[wavenumber_index] = 0.0 continue linear_growth_parameter = ( angular_frequency[wavenumber_index] * mu[wavenumber_index] ** 4 * np.exp(mu[wavenumber_index]) * growth_parameter_betamax / vonkarman_constant**2 * epsilon * friction_velocity**2 / wave_speed[wavenumber_index] ** 2 ) N2 = ( non_linear_effect_strength * tail_spectrum[wavenumber_index] * linear_growth_parameter * wavenumbers[wavenumber_index] ** 2 / vonkarman_constant / epsilon / friction_velocity ) N1 = N2 / 6.0 nonlinear_correction = (1.0 + N1) / (1.0 + N2) growth_parameter = linear_growth_parameter * nonlinear_correction windinput[wavenumber_index] = growth_parameter * tail_spectrum[wavenumber_index] return windinput
def wind_stress_tail(wavenumbers, roughness_length, friction_velocity, tail_spectrum, parameters)
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@numba.jit(**numba_default) def wind_stress_tail( wavenumbers, roughness_length, friction_velocity, tail_spectrum, parameters, ): windinput = wind_input_tail( wavenumbers, roughness_length, friction_velocity, tail_spectrum, parameters ) angular_frequency = dispersion( wavenumbers, parameters["gravitational_acceleration"], parameters["surface_tension"], ) stress = np.empty(wavenumbers.shape[0]) for wavenumber_index in range(0, wavenumbers.shape[0]): stress[wavenumber_index] = ( angular_frequency[wavenumber_index] * windinput[wavenumber_index] ) return stress * parameters["water_density"]