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import numpy as np
from numba import njit # type: ignore
from typing import Tuple, Optional
def integrate(
time: np.typing.NDArray,
signal: np.typing.NDArray,
) -> np.typing.NDArray:
Cumulatively integrate the given discretely sampled signal in time using a
Newton-Coases like formulation of requested order and layout. Note that higher
order methods are only used in regions where the timestep is constant across the
integration stencil- otherwise we fall back to the trapezoidal rule which can
handle variable timesteps. A small amount of jitter (<1%) in timesteps is permitted
though (and effectively ignored).
NOTE: by default we start at 0.0 - which in general means that for a zero-mean
process we will pick up a random offset that will need to be corracted
afterwards. (out is not zero-mean).
:param time: ndarray of length nt containing the elapsed time in seconds.
:param signal: ndarray of length nt containing the signal to be integrated
:param order: Order of the returned Newton-Coates integration approximation.
:param n: number of future points in the integration stencil.
:param start_value: Starting value of the integrated signal.
:return: NDARRAY of length nt that contains the integrated signal that starts
at the requested start_value.
primary_stencil = integration_stencil(order, n)
primary_stencil_width = len(primary_stencil)
integrated_signal = np.empty_like(signal)
integrated_signal[0] = start_value
integrated_signal[:] = 0.0
number_of_constant_time_steps = 0
prev_dt = time[1] - time[0]
restart = True
nt = len(signal)
for ii in range(1, len(signal)):
curr_dt = time[ii] - time[ii - 1]
if ii + n - 1 < nt:
future_dt = time[ii + n - 1] - time[ii + n - 2]
future_dt = curr_dt
restart = True
if np.abs(future_dt - prev_dt) > 0.01 * curr_dt:
# Jitter in the timestep, fall back to a lower order method that
# can handle this.
restart = True
number_of_constant_time_steps = 0
if restart:
number_of_constant_time_steps += 1
stencil_width = 2
stencil = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
number_of_implicit_points = 1
if number_of_constant_time_steps == primary_stencil_width:
# We now have a series of enough constant timesteps to go to
# the higher order method.
restart = False
stencil_width = primary_stencil_width
stencil = primary_stencil
number_of_implicit_points = n
delta = 0.0
jstart = -(stencil_width - number_of_implicit_points)
jend = number_of_implicit_points
for jj in range(jstart, jend):
delta += stencil[jj - jstart] * signal[ii + jj]
integrated_signal[ii] = integrated_signal[ii - 1] + delta * curr_dt
prev_dt = curr_dt
return integrated_signal
def cumulative_distance(
latitudes: np.typing.NDArray, longitudes: np.typing.NDArray
) -> Tuple[np.typing.NDArray, np.typing.NDArray]:
semi_major_axis = 6378137
semi_minor_axis = 6356752.314245
# eccentricity - squared
eccentricity_squared = (
semi_major_axis**2 - semi_minor_axis**2
) / semi_major_axis**2
x = np.empty_like(latitudes)
y = np.empty_like(longitudes)
x[0] = 0
y[0] = 0
for ii in range(1, len(latitudes)):
delta_longitude = (
((longitudes[ii] - longitudes[ii - 1] + 180) % 360 - 180) * np.pi / 180
delta_latitude = (latitudes[ii] - latitudes[ii - 1]) * np.pi / 180
mean_latitude = (latitudes[ii] + latitudes[ii - 1]) / 2 * np.pi / 180
# reduced latitude
reduced_latitude = np.arctan(
np.sqrt(1 - eccentricity_squared) * np.tan(mean_latitude)
# length of a small meridian arc
arc_length = (
* (1 - eccentricity_squared)
* (1 - eccentricity_squared * np.sin(mean_latitude) ** 2) ** (-3 / 2)
x[ii] = x[ii - 1] + delta_longitude * semi_major_axis * np.cos(reduced_latitude)
y[ii] = y[ii - 1] + arc_length * delta_latitude
return x, y
def complex_response(
normalized_frequency: np.typing.NDArray,
order: int,
number_of_implicit_points: int = 1,
) -> np.typing.NDArray:
The frequency complex response factor of the numerical integration scheme with
given order and number of implicit points.
:param normalized_frequency: Frequency normalized with the sampling frequency to
calculate response factor at
:param order: Order of the returned Newton-Coates integration approximation.
:param number_of_implicit_points: number of future points in the integration
:return: complex np.typing.NDArray of same length as the input frequency containing
the response factor at the given frequencies
number_of_explicit_points = order - number_of_implicit_points
stencil = integration_stencil(order, number_of_implicit_points)
normalized_omega = 2j * np.pi * normalized_frequency
response_factor = np.zeros_like(normalized_frequency, dtype="complex_")
for ii in range(-number_of_explicit_points, number_of_implicit_points):
response_factor += stencil[ii + number_of_explicit_points] * np.exp(
normalized_omega * ii
for index, omega in enumerate(normalized_omega):
if omega == 0.0 + 0.0j:
response_factor[index] = 1.0 + 0.0j
response_factor[index] = response_factor[index] * (
omega / (1 - np.exp(-omega))
return response_factor
def lagrange_base_polynomial_coef(
order: int, base_polynomial_index: int
) -> np.typing.NDArray:
We consider the interpolation of Y[0] Y[1] ... Y[order] spaced 1 apart
at 0, 1,... point_index, ... order in terms of the Lagrange polynomial:
Y[x] = L_0[x] Y[0] + L_1[x] Y[1] + .... L_order[x] Y[order].
Here each of the lagrange polynomial coefficients L_n is expressed as
a polynomial in x
L_n = a_0 x**(order-1) + a_1 x**(order-2) + ... a_order
where the coeficients may be found from the standard definition of the base
polynomial (e.g. for L_0)
( x - x_1) * ... * (x - x_order ) ( x- 1) * (x-2) * ... * (x - order)
L_0 = ------------------------------------ = -------------------------------------
(x_0 -x_1) * .... * (x_0 - x_order) -1 * -2 * .... * -order
where the right hand side follows after substituting x_n = n (i.e. 1 spacing).
This function returns the set of coefficients [ a_0, a_1, ..., a_order ].
:param order: order of the base polynomials.
:param base_polynomial_index: which of the base polynomials to calculate
:return: set of polynomial coefficients [ a_0, a_1, ..., a_order ]
poly = np.zeros(order + 1)
poly[0] = 1
denominator = 1
jj = 0
for ii in range(0, order + 1):
if ii == base_polynomial_index:
jj += 1
# calculate the denomitor by repeated multiplication
denominator = denominator * (base_polynomial_index - ii)
# Calculate the polynomial coeficients. We start with a constant function
# (a_0=1) of order 0 and multiply this polynomial with the next term
# ( x - x_0), (x-x_1) etc.
poly[1:jj + 1] += -ii * poly[0:jj]
return poly / denominator
def integrated_lagrange_base_polynomial_coef(
order: int, base_polynomial_index: int
) -> np.typing.NDArray:
Calculate the polynomial coefficents of the integrated base polynomial.
:param order: polynomial order of the interated base_polynomial.
:param base_polynomial_index: which of the base polynomials to calculate
:return: set of polynomial coefficients [ a_0, a_1, ..., a_[order-1], 0 ]
poly = np.zeros(order + 1)
poly[0:order] = lagrange_base_polynomial_coef(order - 1, base_polynomial_index)
# Calculate the coefficients of the integrated polynimial.
for ii in range(order - 1):
poly[ii] = poly[ii] / (order - ii)
return poly
def evaluate_polynomial(poly: np.typing.NDArray, x: int) -> int:
Eval a polynomial at location x.
:param poly: polynomial coeficients [a_0, a_1, ..., a_[order+1]]
:param x: location to evaluate the polynomial/
:return: value of the polynomial at the location
res = 0
order = len(poly) - 1
for ii in range(0, order + 1):
res += poly[ii] * x ** (order - ii)
return res
def integration_stencil(
order: int, number_of_implicit_points: int = 1
) -> np.typing.NDArray:
Find the Newton-Coastes like- integration stencil given the desired order and the
number of "implicit" points. Specicially, let the position z at instance t[j-1]
be known, and we wish to approximate z at time t[j], where t[j] - t[j-1] = dt
for all j, given the velocities w[j]. This implies we solve
---- = w -> z[j] = z[j-1] + dz with dz = Integral[w] ~ dt * F[w]
To solve the integral we use Newton-Coates like approximation and express w(t) as a
function of points w[j+i], where i = -m-1 ... n-1 using a Lagrange Polynomial.
Specifically we consider points in the past and future as we anticipate we can
buffer w values in any application.
In this framework the interval of interest lies between j-1, and j (i=0 and 1).
j-m-1 ... j-2 j-1 j j+1 ... j+n-1
| | | |----| | | |
The number of points used will be refered to ast the order = n+m+1. The number of
points with i>=0 will be referred to as the number of implicit points, so tha
n = number_of_implicit_points. The number of points i<0 is the number
of explicit points m = order - n - 1.
This function calculates the weights such that
dz = weights[0] w[j-m] + ... + weights[m-1] w[j-1] + weights[m] w[j]
+ ... weights[order-1] w[j+n-1]
:param order: Order of the returned Newton-Coates set of coefficients.
:param number_of_implicit_points: number of points for which i>0
:return: Numpy array of length Order with the weights.
weights = np.zeros(order)
number_of_explicit_points = order - number_of_implicit_points
for ii in range(0, order):
# Get the polynomial coefficients assocated with the ii'th lagrangian
# base polynomial l_ii
base_poly = integrated_lagrange_base_polynomial_coef(order, ii)
# Calculate the dz from the evaluation of the indeterminate integrals
weights[ii] = evaluate_polynomial(
base_poly, number_of_explicit_points
) - evaluate_polynomial(base_poly, number_of_explicit_points - 1)
return weights
def integrated_response_factor_spectral_tail(
tail_power: int,
start_frequency: int,
end_frequency: int,
sampling_frequency: int,
frequency_delta: Optional[int] = None,
order: int = 4,
transition_frequency: Optional[int] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
if frequency_delta is None:
N = (
(start_frequency - end_frequency)
/ ((start_frequency - end_frequency) / 100)
+ 1
N = int((start_frequency - end_frequency) / frequency_delta) + 1
if transition_frequency is None:
transition_frequency = end_frequency
integration_frequencies = np.linspace(start_frequency, end_frequency, N)
complex_amplification_factor = complex_response(
integration_frequencies / sampling_frequency, order
spectrum = np.empty_like(integration_frequencies)
for index in range(spectrum.shape[0]):
if integration_frequencies[index] >= transition_frequency:
spectrum[index] = (
integration_frequencies[index] ** -5 * transition_frequency
spectrum[index] = integration_frequencies[index] ** tail_power
return np.trapz(spectrum, integration_frequencies) / np.trapz(
np.abs(complex_amplification_factor) ** 2 * spectrum, integration_frequencies
def complex_response(normalized_frequency: numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]], order: int, number_of_implicit_points: int = 1) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]]
The frequency complex response factor of the numerical integration scheme with given order and number of implicit points.
:param normalized_frequency: Frequency normalized with the sampling frequency to calculate response factor at :param order: Order of the returned Newton-Coates integration approximation. :param number_of_implicit_points: number of future points in the integration stencil. :return: complex np.typing.NDArray of same length as the input frequency containing the response factor at the given frequencies
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@njit(cache=True) def complex_response( normalized_frequency: np.typing.NDArray, order: int, number_of_implicit_points: int = 1, ) -> np.typing.NDArray: """ The frequency complex response factor of the numerical integration scheme with given order and number of implicit points. :param normalized_frequency: Frequency normalized with the sampling frequency to calculate response factor at :param order: Order of the returned Newton-Coates integration approximation. :param number_of_implicit_points: number of future points in the integration stencil. :return: complex np.typing.NDArray of same length as the input frequency containing the response factor at the given frequencies """ number_of_explicit_points = order - number_of_implicit_points stencil = integration_stencil(order, number_of_implicit_points) normalized_omega = 2j * np.pi * normalized_frequency response_factor = np.zeros_like(normalized_frequency, dtype="complex_") for ii in range(-number_of_explicit_points, number_of_implicit_points): response_factor += stencil[ii + number_of_explicit_points] * np.exp( normalized_omega * ii ) for index, omega in enumerate(normalized_omega): if omega == 0.0 + 0.0j: response_factor[index] = 1.0 + 0.0j else: response_factor[index] = response_factor[index] * ( omega / (1 - np.exp(-omega)) ) return response_factor
def cumulative_distance(latitudes: numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]], longitudes: numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]]) ‑> Tuple[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]], numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]]]
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@njit(cache=True) def cumulative_distance( latitudes: np.typing.NDArray, longitudes: np.typing.NDArray ) -> Tuple[np.typing.NDArray, np.typing.NDArray]: semi_major_axis = 6378137 semi_minor_axis = 6356752.314245 # eccentricity - squared eccentricity_squared = ( semi_major_axis**2 - semi_minor_axis**2 ) / semi_major_axis**2 x = np.empty_like(latitudes) y = np.empty_like(longitudes) x[0] = 0 y[0] = 0 for ii in range(1, len(latitudes)): delta_longitude = ( ((longitudes[ii] - longitudes[ii - 1] + 180) % 360 - 180) * np.pi / 180 ) delta_latitude = (latitudes[ii] - latitudes[ii - 1]) * np.pi / 180 mean_latitude = (latitudes[ii] + latitudes[ii - 1]) / 2 * np.pi / 180 # reduced latitude reduced_latitude = np.arctan( np.sqrt(1 - eccentricity_squared) * np.tan(mean_latitude) ) # length of a small meridian arc arc_length = ( semi_major_axis * (1 - eccentricity_squared) * (1 - eccentricity_squared * np.sin(mean_latitude) ** 2) ** (-3 / 2) ) x[ii] = x[ii - 1] + delta_longitude * semi_major_axis * np.cos(reduced_latitude) y[ii] = y[ii - 1] + arc_length * delta_latitude return x, y
def evaluate_polynomial(poly: numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]], x: int) ‑> int
Eval a polynomial at location x. :param poly: polynomial coeficients [a_0, a_1, …, a_[order+1]] :param x: location to evaluate the polynomial/ :return: value of the polynomial at the location
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@njit(cache=True) def evaluate_polynomial(poly: np.typing.NDArray, x: int) -> int: """ Eval a polynomial at location x. :param poly: polynomial coeficients [a_0, a_1, ..., a_[order+1]] :param x: location to evaluate the polynomial/ :return: value of the polynomial at the location """ res = 0 order = len(poly) - 1 for ii in range(0, order + 1): res += poly[ii] * x ** (order - ii) return res
def integrate(time: numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]], signal: numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]], order=4, n=1, start_value=0.0) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]]
Cumulatively integrate the given discretely sampled signal in time using a Newton-Coases like formulation of requested order and layout. Note that higher order methods are only used in regions where the timestep is constant across the integration stencil- otherwise we fall back to the trapezoidal rule which can handle variable timesteps. A small amount of jitter (<1%) in timesteps is permitted though (and effectively ignored).
NOTE: by default we start at 0.0 - which in general means that for a zero-mean process we will pick up a random offset that will need to be corracted afterwards. (out is not zero-mean).
:param time: ndarray of length nt containing the elapsed time in seconds. :param signal: ndarray of length nt containing the signal to be integrated :param order: Order of the returned Newton-Coates integration approximation. :param n: number of future points in the integration stencil. :param start_value: Starting value of the integrated signal. :return: NDARRAY of length nt that contains the integrated signal that starts at the requested start_value.
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@njit(cache=True) def integrate( time: np.typing.NDArray, signal: np.typing.NDArray, order=DEFAULT_ORDER, n=DEFAULT_N, start_value=0.0, ) -> np.typing.NDArray: """ Cumulatively integrate the given discretely sampled signal in time using a Newton-Coases like formulation of requested order and layout. Note that higher order methods are only used in regions where the timestep is constant across the integration stencil- otherwise we fall back to the trapezoidal rule which can handle variable timesteps. A small amount of jitter (<1%) in timesteps is permitted though (and effectively ignored). NOTE: by default we start at 0.0 - which in general means that for a zero-mean process we will pick up a random offset that will need to be corracted afterwards. (out is not zero-mean). :param time: ndarray of length nt containing the elapsed time in seconds. :param signal: ndarray of length nt containing the signal to be integrated :param order: Order of the returned Newton-Coates integration approximation. :param n: number of future points in the integration stencil. :param start_value: Starting value of the integrated signal. :return: NDARRAY of length nt that contains the integrated signal that starts at the requested start_value. """ primary_stencil = integration_stencil(order, n) primary_stencil_width = len(primary_stencil) integrated_signal = np.empty_like(signal) integrated_signal[0] = start_value integrated_signal[:] = 0.0 number_of_constant_time_steps = 0 prev_dt = time[1] - time[0] restart = True nt = len(signal) for ii in range(1, len(signal)): curr_dt = time[ii] - time[ii - 1] if ii + n - 1 < nt: future_dt = time[ii + n - 1] - time[ii + n - 2] else: future_dt = curr_dt restart = True if np.abs(future_dt - prev_dt) > 0.01 * curr_dt: # Jitter in the timestep, fall back to a lower order method that # can handle this. restart = True number_of_constant_time_steps = 0 if restart: number_of_constant_time_steps += 1 stencil_width = 2 stencil = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) number_of_implicit_points = 1 if number_of_constant_time_steps == primary_stencil_width: # We now have a series of enough constant timesteps to go to # the higher order method. restart = False else: stencil_width = primary_stencil_width stencil = primary_stencil number_of_implicit_points = n delta = 0.0 jstart = -(stencil_width - number_of_implicit_points) jend = number_of_implicit_points for jj in range(jstart, jend): delta += stencil[jj - jstart] * signal[ii + jj] integrated_signal[ii] = integrated_signal[ii - 1] + delta * curr_dt prev_dt = curr_dt return integrated_signal
def integrated_lagrange_base_polynomial_coef(order: int, base_polynomial_index: int) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]]
Calculate the polynomial coefficents of the integrated base polynomial.
:param order: polynomial order of the interated base_polynomial. :param base_polynomial_index: which of the base polynomials to calculate :return: set of polynomial coefficients [ a_0, a_1, …, a_[order-1], 0 ]
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@njit(cache=True) def integrated_lagrange_base_polynomial_coef( order: int, base_polynomial_index: int ) -> np.typing.NDArray: """ Calculate the polynomial coefficents of the integrated base polynomial. :param order: polynomial order of the interated base_polynomial. :param base_polynomial_index: which of the base polynomials to calculate :return: set of polynomial coefficients [ a_0, a_1, ..., a_[order-1], 0 ] """ poly = np.zeros(order + 1) poly[0:order] = lagrange_base_polynomial_coef(order - 1, base_polynomial_index) # Calculate the coefficients of the integrated polynimial. for ii in range(order - 1): poly[ii] = poly[ii] / (order - ii) return poly
def integrated_response_factor_spectral_tail(tail_power: int, start_frequency: int, end_frequency: int, sampling_frequency: int, frequency_delta: Optional[int] = None, order: int = 4, transition_frequency: Optional[int] = None) ‑> numpy.ndarray
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@njit(cache=True) def integrated_response_factor_spectral_tail( tail_power: int, start_frequency: int, end_frequency: int, sampling_frequency: int, frequency_delta: Optional[int] = None, order: int = 4, transition_frequency: Optional[int] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: if frequency_delta is None: N = ( int( (start_frequency - end_frequency) / ((start_frequency - end_frequency) / 100) ) + 1 ) else: N = int((start_frequency - end_frequency) / frequency_delta) + 1 if transition_frequency is None: transition_frequency = end_frequency integration_frequencies = np.linspace(start_frequency, end_frequency, N) complex_amplification_factor = complex_response( integration_frequencies / sampling_frequency, order ) spectrum = np.empty_like(integration_frequencies) for index in range(spectrum.shape[0]): if integration_frequencies[index] >= transition_frequency: spectrum[index] = ( integration_frequencies[index] ** -5 * transition_frequency ) else: spectrum[index] = integration_frequencies[index] ** tail_power return np.trapz(spectrum, integration_frequencies) / np.trapz( np.abs(complex_amplification_factor) ** 2 * spectrum, integration_frequencies )
def integration_stencil(order: int, number_of_implicit_points: int = 1) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]]
Find the Newton-Coastes like- integration stencil given the desired order and the number of "implicit" points. Specicially, let the position z at instance t[j-1] be known, and we wish to approximate z at time t[j], where t[j] - t[j-1] = dt for all j, given the velocities w[j]. This implies we solve
dz ---- = w -> z[j] = z[j-1] + dz with dz = Integral[w] ~ dt * F[w] dt
To solve the integral we use Newton-Coates like approximation and express w(t) as a function of points w[j+i], where i = -m-1 … n-1 using a Lagrange Polynomial. Specifically we consider points in the past and future as we anticipate we can buffer w values in any application.
In this framework the interval of interest lies between j-1, and j (i=0 and 1).
j-m-1 ... j-2 j-1 j j+1 ... j+n-1 | | | |----| | | |
The number of points used will be refered to ast the order = n+m+1. The number of points with i>=0 will be referred to as the number of implicit points, so tha n = number_of_implicit_points. The number of points i<0 is the number of explicit points m = order - n - 1.
This function calculates the weights such that
dz = weights[0] w[j-m] + … + weights[m-1] w[j-1] + weights[m] w[j] + … weights[order-1] w[j+n-1]
:param order: Order of the returned Newton-Coates set of coefficients. :param number_of_implicit_points: number of points for which i>0 :return: Numpy array of length Order with the weights.
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@njit(cache=True) def integration_stencil( order: int, number_of_implicit_points: int = 1 ) -> np.typing.NDArray: """ Find the Newton-Coastes like- integration stencil given the desired order and the number of "implicit" points. Specicially, let the position z at instance t[j-1] be known, and we wish to approximate z at time t[j], where t[j] - t[j-1] = dt for all j, given the velocities w[j]. This implies we solve dz ---- = w -> z[j] = z[j-1] + dz with dz = Integral[w] ~ dt * F[w] dt To solve the integral we use Newton-Coates like approximation and express w(t) as a function of points w[j+i], where i = -m-1 ... n-1 using a Lagrange Polynomial. Specifically we consider points in the past and future as we anticipate we can buffer w values in any application. In this framework the interval of interest lies between j-1, and j (i=0 and 1). j-m-1 ... j-2 j-1 j j+1 ... j+n-1 | | | |----| | | | The number of points used will be refered to ast the order = n+m+1. The number of points with i>=0 will be referred to as the number of implicit points, so tha n = number_of_implicit_points. The number of points i<0 is the number of explicit points m = order - n - 1. This function calculates the weights such that dz = weights[0] w[j-m] + ... + weights[m-1] w[j-1] + weights[m] w[j] + ... weights[order-1] w[j+n-1] :param order: Order of the returned Newton-Coates set of coefficients. :param number_of_implicit_points: number of points for which i>0 :return: Numpy array of length Order with the weights. """ weights = np.zeros(order) number_of_explicit_points = order - number_of_implicit_points for ii in range(0, order): # Get the polynomial coefficients assocated with the ii'th lagrangian # base polynomial l_ii base_poly = integrated_lagrange_base_polynomial_coef(order, ii) # Calculate the dz from the evaluation of the indeterminate integrals weights[ii] = evaluate_polynomial( base_poly, number_of_explicit_points ) - evaluate_polynomial(base_poly, number_of_explicit_points - 1) return weights
def lagrange_base_polynomial_coef(order: int, base_polynomial_index: int) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+ScalarType]]
We consider the interpolation of Y[0] Y[1] … Y[order] spaced 1 apart at 0, 1,… point_index, … order in terms of the Lagrange polynomial:
Y[x] = L_0[x] Y[0] + L_1[x] Y[1] + .... L_order[x] Y[order].
Here each of the lagrange polynomial coefficients L_n is expressed as a polynomial in x
L_n = a_0 x(order-1) + a_1 x(order-2) + … a_order
where the coeficients may be found from the standard definition of the base polynomial (e.g. for L_0)
( x - x_1) * ... * (x - x_order ) ( x- 1) * (x-2) * ... * (x - order)
L_0 = ------------------------------------ = ------------------------------------- (x_0 -x_1) * .... * (x_0 - x_order) -1 * -2 * .... * -order
where the right hand side follows after substituting x_n = n (i.e. 1 spacing). This function returns the set of coefficients [ a_0, a_1, …, a_order ].
:param order: order of the base polynomials. :param base_polynomial_index: which of the base polynomials to calculate :return: set of polynomial coefficients [ a_0, a_1, …, a_order ]
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@njit(cache=True) def lagrange_base_polynomial_coef( order: int, base_polynomial_index: int ) -> np.typing.NDArray: """ We consider the interpolation of Y[0] Y[1] ... Y[order] spaced 1 apart at 0, 1,... point_index, ... order in terms of the Lagrange polynomial: Y[x] = L_0[x] Y[0] + L_1[x] Y[1] + .... L_order[x] Y[order]. Here each of the lagrange polynomial coefficients L_n is expressed as a polynomial in x L_n = a_0 x**(order-1) + a_1 x**(order-2) + ... a_order where the coeficients may be found from the standard definition of the base polynomial (e.g. for L_0) ( x - x_1) * ... * (x - x_order ) ( x- 1) * (x-2) * ... * (x - order) L_0 = ------------------------------------ = ------------------------------------- (x_0 -x_1) * .... * (x_0 - x_order) -1 * -2 * .... * -order where the right hand side follows after substituting x_n = n (i.e. 1 spacing). This function returns the set of coefficients [ a_0, a_1, ..., a_order ]. :param order: order of the base polynomials. :param base_polynomial_index: which of the base polynomials to calculate :return: set of polynomial coefficients [ a_0, a_1, ..., a_order ] """ poly = np.zeros(order + 1) poly[0] = 1 denominator = 1 jj = 0 for ii in range(0, order + 1): if ii == base_polynomial_index: continue jj += 1 # calculate the denomitor by repeated multiplication denominator = denominator * (base_polynomial_index - ii) # Calculate the polynomial coeficients. We start with a constant function # (a_0=1) of order 0 and multiply this polynomial with the next term # ( x - x_0), (x-x_1) etc. poly[1:jj + 1] += -ii * poly[0:jj] return poly / denominator