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import numpy as np

from typing import Optional

def midpoint_rule_step(frequency: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    prepend = 2 * frequency[0] - frequency[1]
    append = 2 * frequency[-1] - frequency[-2]
    diff = np.diff(frequency, append=append, prepend=prepend)
    return diff[0:-1] * 0.5 + diff[1:] * 0.5

# @njit(cache=True)
def enclosing_points_1d(
    xp: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, regular_xp: bool = False, period: Optional[float] = None
) -> np.ndarray:
    Find surrounding indices for value x[j] in vector xp such
    that  xp[i-1] <= x[j] < xp[i]

    To note for non-periodic sequences values outside of xp require special
    attention- specifically:
        for x < xp[0]:
            we have x[x<xp[0]] < xp[indices[1,:]], and indices[0,:] is
            undefined (clipped to 0).

        for x >= xp[-1]:
            we have x[x>=xp[-1]] >= xp[indices[0,:]], and indices[1,:] is
            undefined (clipped to nx).

    :param x: 1-D array_like of length nx
            The x-coordinates at which to evaluate the interpolated values with
            nx entries.

    :param xp: 1-D sequence of floats
        The x-coordinates of the data points with nxp entries.

    :return: [2 by nx] np array of integer (dtype='int64') indices such that
        xp[indices[0,:]] <= x[:] < xp[indices[1,:]] with the exception of
        points x outside of the domain of xp.


    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    nxp = len(xp)
    nx = len(x)

    if xp[-1] < xp[0]:
        # make sure we are in a coordinate frame where the vector is
        # in ascending order.
        x = xp[0] - x
        xp = xp[0] - xp

    if period is not None:
        x = (x - xp[0]) % period + xp[0]

    indices = np.empty((2, nx), dtype="int64")
    if not regular_xp:
        for ix, x_ix in enumerate(x):
            # find ixp such that  xp[ixp-1] <= x[ix] < xp[ixp]
            ixp = np.searchsorted(xp, x_ix, side="right")
            indices[:, ix] = [ixp - 1, ixp]
        ixp = np.floor((x - xp[0]) / (xp[1] - xp[0]))
        indices[0, :] = ixp
        indices[1, :] = ixp + 1

    if period is not None:
        indices = indices % nxp
        indices = np.clip(indices, 0, nxp - 1)
    return indices


def enclosing_points_1d(xp: numpy.ndarray, x: numpy.ndarray, regular_xp: bool = False, period: Optional[float] = None) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Find surrounding indices for value x[j] in vector xp such that xp[i-1] <= x[j] < xp[i]

To note for non-periodic sequences values outside of xp require special attention- specifically: for x < xp[0]: we have x[x<xp[0]] < xp[indices[1,:]], and indices[0,:] is undefined (clipped to 0).

for x >= xp[-1]:
    we have x[x>=xp[-1]] >= xp[indices[0,:]], and indices[1,:] is
    undefined (clipped to nx).


:param x: 1-D array_like of length nx The x-coordinates at which to evaluate the interpolated values with nx entries.

:param xp: 1-D sequence of floats The x-coordinates of the data points with nxp entries.

:return: [2 by nx] np array of integer (dtype='int64') indices such that xp[indices[0,:]] <= x[:] < xp[indices[1,:]] with the exception of points x outside of the domain of xp.

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def enclosing_points_1d(
    xp: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, regular_xp: bool = False, period: Optional[float] = None
) -> np.ndarray:
    Find surrounding indices for value x[j] in vector xp such
    that  xp[i-1] <= x[j] < xp[i]

    To note for non-periodic sequences values outside of xp require special
    attention- specifically:
        for x < xp[0]:
            we have x[x<xp[0]] < xp[indices[1,:]], and indices[0,:] is
            undefined (clipped to 0).

        for x >= xp[-1]:
            we have x[x>=xp[-1]] >= xp[indices[0,:]], and indices[1,:] is
            undefined (clipped to nx).

    :param x: 1-D array_like of length nx
            The x-coordinates at which to evaluate the interpolated values with
            nx entries.

    :param xp: 1-D sequence of floats
        The x-coordinates of the data points with nxp entries.

    :return: [2 by nx] np array of integer (dtype='int64') indices such that
        xp[indices[0,:]] <= x[:] < xp[indices[1,:]] with the exception of
        points x outside of the domain of xp.


    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    nxp = len(xp)
    nx = len(x)

    if xp[-1] < xp[0]:
        # make sure we are in a coordinate frame where the vector is
        # in ascending order.
        x = xp[0] - x
        xp = xp[0] - xp

    if period is not None:
        x = (x - xp[0]) % period + xp[0]

    indices = np.empty((2, nx), dtype="int64")
    if not regular_xp:
        for ix, x_ix in enumerate(x):
            # find ixp such that  xp[ixp-1] <= x[ix] < xp[ixp]
            ixp = np.searchsorted(xp, x_ix, side="right")
            indices[:, ix] = [ixp - 1, ixp]
        ixp = np.floor((x - xp[0]) / (xp[1] - xp[0]))
        indices[0, :] = ixp
        indices[1, :] = ixp + 1

    if period is not None:
        indices = indices % nxp
        indices = np.clip(indices, 0, nxp - 1)
    return indices
def midpoint_rule_step(frequency: numpy.ndarray) ‑> numpy.ndarray
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def midpoint_rule_step(frequency: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    prepend = 2 * frequency[0] - frequency[1]
    append = 2 * frequency[-1] - frequency[-2]
    diff = np.diff(frequency, append=append, prepend=prepend)
    return diff[0:-1] * 0.5 + diff[1:] * 0.5