Module ocean_science_utilities.interpolate.nd_interp
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import numpy as np
from typing import Any, Tuple, Callable, List, Generator, Set, Optional, Dict, Sequence
from ocean_science_utilities.interpolate.general import interpolation_weights_1d
from import wrapped_difference
from import enclosing_points_1d
class NdInterpolator:
def __init__(
get_data: Callable[[List[np.ndarray], List[int]], np.ndarray],
data_coordinates: Sequence[Tuple[str, np.ndarray[Any, Any]]],
data_shape: Tuple[int, ...],
interp_coord_names: List[str],
interp_index_coord_name: str,
data_periodic_coordinates: Dict[str, float],
data_period: Optional[float] = None,
data_discont: Optional[float] = None,
nearest_neighbour: bool = False,
self.get_data = get_data
self.coord = [x[0] for x in data_coordinates]
self.data_shape = data_shape
self.interp_coord_names = interp_coord_names
self.interp_index_coord_name = interp_index_coord_name
self.data_coordinates = data_coordinates
self.data_periodic_coordinates = data_periodic_coordinates
self.data_period = data_period
self.data_discont = data_discont
self.nearest_neighbour = nearest_neighbour
def passive_coordinate_names(self) -> List[str]:
return [name for name in self.coord if name not in self.interp_coord_names]
def passive_coord_dim_indices(self) -> List[int]:
return [self.coord.index(x) for x in self.passive_coordinate_names]
def output_passive_coord_dim_indices(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
indices = list(range(self.output_ndims))
_ = indices.pop(indices.index(self.output_index_coord_index))
return tuple(indices)
def interp_coord_dim_indices(self) -> List[int]:
return [self.coord.index(x) for x in self.interp_coord_names]
def interp_index_coord_index(self) -> int:
return self.coord.index(self.interp_index_coord_name)
def output_shape(self, number_of_points: int) -> np.ndarray:
output_shape = np.ones(self.output_ndims, dtype="int32")
interpolating_index = self.output_index_coord_index
passive_ind = self.passive_coord_dim_indices
jj = 0
for index in range(self.output_ndims):
if index == interpolating_index:
output_shape[index] = number_of_points
output_shape[index] = self.data_shape[passive_ind[jj]]
jj += 1
return output_shape
def output_index_coord_index(self) -> int:
return int(
self.passive_coord_dim_indices, self.interp_index_coord_index
def interpolating_coordinates(self) -> List[Tuple[str, np.ndarray]]:
return [x for x in self.data_coordinates if x[0] in self.interp_coord_names]
def output_ndims(self) -> int:
return self.data_ndims - self.interp_ndims + 1
def interp_ndims(self) -> int:
return len(self.interp_coord_names)
def data_ndims(self) -> int:
return len(self.coord)
def output_indexing_full(self, slicer: slice) -> Tuple[slice, ...]:
indicer = [slice(None)] * self.output_ndims
indicer[self.output_index_coord_index] = slicer
return tuple(indicer)
def output_indexing_broadcast(self, slicer: slice) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
indicer = [None] * self.output_ndims
indicer[self.output_index_coord_index] = slicer # type: ignore
return tuple(indicer)
def coordinate_period(self, coordinate_name: str) -> Optional[float]:
if coordinate_name in self.data_periodic_coordinates:
return self.data_periodic_coordinates[coordinate_name]
return None
def data_is_periodic(self) -> bool:
return self.data_period is not None
def interpolate(
points: Dict[str, np.ndarray],
) -> np.ndarray:
:param self:
:param points:
number_points = len(points[self.interp_coord_names[0]])
# Find indices and weights for the succesive 1d interpolation problems
indices_1d = np.empty((self.interp_ndims, 2, number_points), dtype="int64")
weights_1d = np.empty((self.interp_ndims, 2, number_points), dtype="float64")
for index, (coordinate_name, coordinate) in enumerate(
period = self.coordinate_period(coordinate_name)
indices_1d[index, :, :] = enclosing_points_1d(
coordinate, points[coordinate_name], period=period
weights_1d[index, :, :] = interpolation_weights_1d(
indices_1d[index, :, :],
if self.data_is_periodic:
return self._periodic_data_interpolator(
number_points, indices_1d, weights_1d
return self._data_interpolator(number_points, indices_1d, weights_1d)
def _data_interpolator(
self, number_points: int, indices_1d: np.ndarray, weights_1d: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
# We keep a running sum of the weights, if a point is excluded because it
# contains no data (NaN) the weights will no longer add up to 1 - and we
# reschale to account for the missing value. This is an easy way to account
# for interpolation near missing points. Note that if the contribution of
# missing weights ( 1-weights_sum) exceeds 0.5 - we consider the point
# invalid.
output_shape = self.output_shape(number_points)
weights_sum = np.zeros(output_shape)
interp_val = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=np.float64)
for intp_indices_nd, intp_weight_nd in _next_point(
self.interp_ndims, indices_1d, weights_1d
# Loop over all interpolation points one at a time.
val = self.get_data(intp_indices_nd, self.interp_coord_dim_indices)
mask = np.all(
~np.isnan(val), axis=self.output_passive_coord_dim_indices
) & (intp_weight_nd > 0)
weights_sum[self.output_indexing_full(mask)] += intp_weight_nd[
interp_val[self.output_indexing_full(mask)] += (
* val[self.output_indexing_full(mask)]
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"):
return np.where(weights_sum > 0.5, interp_val / weights_sum, np.nan)
def _periodic_data_interpolator(
self, number_points: int, indices_1d: np.ndarray, weights_1d: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
# We keep a running sum of the weights, if a point is excluded because it
# contains no data (NaN) the weights will no longer add up to 1 - and we
# reschale to account for the missing value. This is an easy way to account
# for interpolation near missing points. Note that if the contribution of
# missing weights ( 1-weights_sum) exceeds 0.5 - we consider the point
# invalid.
output_shape = self.output_shape(number_points)
weights_sum = np.zeros(output_shape)
interp_val = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=np.complex64)
for intp_indices_nd, intp_weight_nd in _next_point(
self.interp_ndims, indices_1d, weights_1d
# Loop over all interpolation points one at a time.
to_rad = np.pi * 2 / self.data_period # type: ignore
val = np.exp(
* self.get_data(intp_indices_nd, self.interp_coord_dim_indices)
* to_rad
mask = np.all(~np.isnan(val), axis=self.output_passive_coord_dim_indices)
weights_sum[self.output_indexing_full(mask)] += intp_weight_nd[
interp_val[self.output_indexing_full(mask)] += (
* val[self.output_indexing_full(mask)]
interp_val = (
np.angle( # type: ignore
np.where(weights_sum > 0.5, interp_val / weights_sum, np.nan)
* self.data_period # type: ignore
/ np.pi
/ 2
return wrapped_difference(
delta=interp_val, period=self.data_period, discont=self.data_period
def _next_point(
recursion_depth: int, indices_1d: np.ndarray, weights_1d: np.ndarray, *narg
) -> Generator[Tuple[List[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], None, None]:
We are trying to interpolate over N dimensions. In bilinear interpolation
this means we have to visit 2**N points. If N is known this is most
clearly expressed as a set of N nested loops:
for i1 in range(0,2):
for i2 in range(0,2):
for iN in range(0,2):
do stuff for J'th item.
Here instead, since we do not know N in advance, use a set of recursive
loops to depth N, where at the final level we yield for each of the 2**N
points the values of the points and the weights with which they contribute
to the interpolated value.
:param recursion_depth:
:param indices_1d:
:param weights_1d:
:param narg: indices from outer recursive loops
:return: generater function that yields the J"th thing to do stuff with.
number_of_coordinates = indices_1d.shape[0]
number_of_points = indices_1d.shape[2]
if recursion_depth > 0:
# Loop over the n'th coordinate, with
# n = number_of_coordinates - recursion_depth
for ii in range(0, 2):
# Yield from next recursive loop, add the loop coordinate to the
# arg of the next call
arg = (*narg, ii)
yield from _next_point(recursion_depth - 1, indices_1d, weights_1d, *arg)
# Here we construct the "fancy" indexes we will use to grab datavalues.
indices_nd = []
weights_nd = np.ones((number_of_points,), dtype="float64")
for index in range(0, number_of_coordinates):
# get the coordinate index for the current point.
indices_nd.append(indices_1d[index, narg[index], :])
# The N-dimensional weight is the multiplication of all weights
# of the associated 1d problems
weights_nd *= weights_1d[index, narg[index], :]
yield indices_nd, weights_nd
class NdInterpolator (get_data: Callable[[List[numpy.ndarray], List[int]], numpy.ndarray], data_coordinates: Sequence[Tuple[str, numpy.ndarray[Any, Any]]], data_shape: Tuple[int, ...], interp_coord_names: List[str], interp_index_coord_name: str, data_periodic_coordinates: Dict[str, float], data_period: Optional[float] = None, data_discont: Optional[float] = None, nearest_neighbour: bool = False)
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class NdInterpolator: def __init__( self, get_data: Callable[[List[np.ndarray], List[int]], np.ndarray], data_coordinates: Sequence[Tuple[str, np.ndarray[Any, Any]]], data_shape: Tuple[int, ...], interp_coord_names: List[str], interp_index_coord_name: str, data_periodic_coordinates: Dict[str, float], data_period: Optional[float] = None, data_discont: Optional[float] = None, nearest_neighbour: bool = False, ): self.get_data = get_data self.coord = [x[0] for x in data_coordinates] self.data_shape = data_shape self.interp_coord_names = interp_coord_names self.interp_index_coord_name = interp_index_coord_name self.data_coordinates = data_coordinates self.data_periodic_coordinates = data_periodic_coordinates self.data_period = data_period self.data_discont = data_discont self.nearest_neighbour = nearest_neighbour @property def passive_coordinate_names(self) -> List[str]: return [name for name in self.coord if name not in self.interp_coord_names] @property def passive_coord_dim_indices(self) -> List[int]: return [self.coord.index(x) for x in self.passive_coordinate_names] @property def output_passive_coord_dim_indices(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: indices = list(range(self.output_ndims)) _ = indices.pop(indices.index(self.output_index_coord_index)) return tuple(indices) @property def interp_coord_dim_indices(self) -> List[int]: return [self.coord.index(x) for x in self.interp_coord_names] @property def interp_index_coord_index(self) -> int: return self.coord.index(self.interp_index_coord_name) def output_shape(self, number_of_points: int) -> np.ndarray: output_shape = np.ones(self.output_ndims, dtype="int32") interpolating_index = self.output_index_coord_index passive_ind = self.passive_coord_dim_indices jj = 0 for index in range(self.output_ndims): if index == interpolating_index: output_shape[index] = number_of_points else: output_shape[index] = self.data_shape[passive_ind[jj]] jj += 1 return output_shape @property def output_index_coord_index(self) -> int: return int( np.searchsorted( self.passive_coord_dim_indices, self.interp_index_coord_index ) ) @property def interpolating_coordinates(self) -> List[Tuple[str, np.ndarray]]: return [x for x in self.data_coordinates if x[0] in self.interp_coord_names] @property def output_ndims(self) -> int: return self.data_ndims - self.interp_ndims + 1 @property def interp_ndims(self) -> int: return len(self.interp_coord_names) @property def data_ndims(self) -> int: return len(self.coord) def output_indexing_full(self, slicer: slice) -> Tuple[slice, ...]: indicer = [slice(None)] * self.output_ndims indicer[self.output_index_coord_index] = slicer return tuple(indicer) def output_indexing_broadcast(self, slicer: slice) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: indicer = [None] * self.output_ndims indicer[self.output_index_coord_index] = slicer # type: ignore return tuple(indicer) def coordinate_period(self, coordinate_name: str) -> Optional[float]: if coordinate_name in self.data_periodic_coordinates: return self.data_periodic_coordinates[coordinate_name] else: return None @property def data_is_periodic(self) -> bool: return self.data_period is not None def interpolate( self, points: Dict[str, np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: """ :param self: :param points: :return: """ number_points = len(points[self.interp_coord_names[0]]) # Find indices and weights for the succesive 1d interpolation problems indices_1d = np.empty((self.interp_ndims, 2, number_points), dtype="int64") weights_1d = np.empty((self.interp_ndims, 2, number_points), dtype="float64") for index, (coordinate_name, coordinate) in enumerate( self.interpolating_coordinates ): period = self.coordinate_period(coordinate_name) indices_1d[index, :, :] = enclosing_points_1d( coordinate, points[coordinate_name], period=period ) weights_1d[index, :, :] = interpolation_weights_1d( coordinate, points[coordinate_name], indices_1d[index, :, :], period=period, extrapolate_left=False, extrapolate_right=False, nearest_neighbour=self.nearest_neighbour, ) if self.data_is_periodic: return self._periodic_data_interpolator( number_points, indices_1d, weights_1d ) else: return self._data_interpolator(number_points, indices_1d, weights_1d) def _data_interpolator( self, number_points: int, indices_1d: np.ndarray, weights_1d: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: # We keep a running sum of the weights, if a point is excluded because it # contains no data (NaN) the weights will no longer add up to 1 - and we # reschale to account for the missing value. This is an easy way to account # for interpolation near missing points. Note that if the contribution of # missing weights ( 1-weights_sum) exceeds 0.5 - we consider the point # invalid. output_shape = self.output_shape(number_points) weights_sum = np.zeros(output_shape) interp_val = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=np.float64) for intp_indices_nd, intp_weight_nd in _next_point( self.interp_ndims, indices_1d, weights_1d ): # Loop over all interpolation points one at a time. val = self.get_data(intp_indices_nd, self.interp_coord_dim_indices) mask = np.all( ~np.isnan(val), axis=self.output_passive_coord_dim_indices ) & (intp_weight_nd > 0) weights_sum[self.output_indexing_full(mask)] += intp_weight_nd[ self.output_indexing_broadcast(mask) ] interp_val[self.output_indexing_full(mask)] += ( intp_weight_nd[self.output_indexing_broadcast(mask)] * val[self.output_indexing_full(mask)] ) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): return np.where(weights_sum > 0.5, interp_val / weights_sum, np.nan) def _periodic_data_interpolator( self, number_points: int, indices_1d: np.ndarray, weights_1d: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: # We keep a running sum of the weights, if a point is excluded because it # contains no data (NaN) the weights will no longer add up to 1 - and we # reschale to account for the missing value. This is an easy way to account # for interpolation near missing points. Note that if the contribution of # missing weights ( 1-weights_sum) exceeds 0.5 - we consider the point # invalid. output_shape = self.output_shape(number_points) weights_sum = np.zeros(output_shape) interp_val = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=np.complex64) for intp_indices_nd, intp_weight_nd in _next_point( self.interp_ndims, indices_1d, weights_1d ): # Loop over all interpolation points one at a time. to_rad = np.pi * 2 / self.data_period # type: ignore val = np.exp( 1j * self.get_data(intp_indices_nd, self.interp_coord_dim_indices) * to_rad ) mask = np.all(~np.isnan(val), axis=self.output_passive_coord_dim_indices) weights_sum[self.output_indexing_full(mask)] += intp_weight_nd[ self.output_indexing_broadcast(mask) ] interp_val[self.output_indexing_full(mask)] += ( intp_weight_nd[self.output_indexing_broadcast(mask)] * val[self.output_indexing_full(mask)] ) interp_val = ( np.angle( # type: ignore np.where(weights_sum > 0.5, interp_val / weights_sum, np.nan) ) * self.data_period # type: ignore / np.pi / 2 ) return wrapped_difference( delta=interp_val, period=self.data_period, discont=self.data_period )
Instance variables
var data_is_periodic : bool
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@property def data_is_periodic(self) -> bool: return self.data_period is not None
var data_ndims : int
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@property def data_ndims(self) -> int: return len(self.coord)
var interp_coord_dim_indices : List[int]
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@property def interp_coord_dim_indices(self) -> List[int]: return [self.coord.index(x) for x in self.interp_coord_names]
var interp_index_coord_index : int
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@property def interp_index_coord_index(self) -> int: return self.coord.index(self.interp_index_coord_name)
var interp_ndims : int
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@property def interp_ndims(self) -> int: return len(self.interp_coord_names)
var interpolating_coordinates : List[Tuple[str, numpy.ndarray]]
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@property def interpolating_coordinates(self) -> List[Tuple[str, np.ndarray]]: return [x for x in self.data_coordinates if x[0] in self.interp_coord_names]
var output_index_coord_index : int
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@property def output_index_coord_index(self) -> int: return int( np.searchsorted( self.passive_coord_dim_indices, self.interp_index_coord_index ) )
var output_ndims : int
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@property def output_ndims(self) -> int: return self.data_ndims - self.interp_ndims + 1
var output_passive_coord_dim_indices : Tuple[int, ...]
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@property def output_passive_coord_dim_indices(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: indices = list(range(self.output_ndims)) _ = indices.pop(indices.index(self.output_index_coord_index)) return tuple(indices)
var passive_coord_dim_indices : List[int]
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@property def passive_coord_dim_indices(self) -> List[int]: return [self.coord.index(x) for x in self.passive_coordinate_names]
var passive_coordinate_names : List[str]
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@property def passive_coordinate_names(self) -> List[str]: return [name for name in self.coord if name not in self.interp_coord_names]
def coordinate_period(self, coordinate_name: str) ‑> Optional[float]
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def coordinate_period(self, coordinate_name: str) -> Optional[float]: if coordinate_name in self.data_periodic_coordinates: return self.data_periodic_coordinates[coordinate_name] else: return None
def interpolate(self, points: Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]) ‑> numpy.ndarray
:param self: :param points:
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def interpolate( self, points: Dict[str, np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: """ :param self: :param points: :return: """ number_points = len(points[self.interp_coord_names[0]]) # Find indices and weights for the succesive 1d interpolation problems indices_1d = np.empty((self.interp_ndims, 2, number_points), dtype="int64") weights_1d = np.empty((self.interp_ndims, 2, number_points), dtype="float64") for index, (coordinate_name, coordinate) in enumerate( self.interpolating_coordinates ): period = self.coordinate_period(coordinate_name) indices_1d[index, :, :] = enclosing_points_1d( coordinate, points[coordinate_name], period=period ) weights_1d[index, :, :] = interpolation_weights_1d( coordinate, points[coordinate_name], indices_1d[index, :, :], period=period, extrapolate_left=False, extrapolate_right=False, nearest_neighbour=self.nearest_neighbour, ) if self.data_is_periodic: return self._periodic_data_interpolator( number_points, indices_1d, weights_1d ) else: return self._data_interpolator(number_points, indices_1d, weights_1d)
def output_indexing_broadcast(self, slicer: slice) ‑> Tuple[Any, ...]
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def output_indexing_broadcast(self, slicer: slice) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: indicer = [None] * self.output_ndims indicer[self.output_index_coord_index] = slicer # type: ignore return tuple(indicer)
def output_indexing_full(self, slicer: slice) ‑> Tuple[slice, ...]
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def output_indexing_full(self, slicer: slice) -> Tuple[slice, ...]: indicer = [slice(None)] * self.output_ndims indicer[self.output_index_coord_index] = slicer return tuple(indicer)
def output_shape(self, number_of_points: int) ‑> numpy.ndarray
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def output_shape(self, number_of_points: int) -> np.ndarray: output_shape = np.ones(self.output_ndims, dtype="int32") interpolating_index = self.output_index_coord_index passive_ind = self.passive_coord_dim_indices jj = 0 for index in range(self.output_ndims): if index == interpolating_index: output_shape[index] = number_of_points else: output_shape[index] = self.data_shape[passive_ind[jj]] jj += 1 return output_shape